Laws Quotes

Text Quotes
Everything is governed by one law. A human being is a microcosmos, i.e. the laws prevailing in the cosmos also operate in the minutest space of the human being (Laws Quotes)
There is no clear place to draw the line once you eliminate the traditional marriage, and it’s the same once you start putting limits on what guns can be used, then it’s just really easy to have laws that make them all illegal (Laws Quotes)
I applaud the courage of he who accepts each and every one of the laws of a game he did not invent and was not asked if he wanted to play (Laws Quotes)
Where the realm of freedom of thought and action begin, the determination of individuals according to generic laws ends (Laws Quotes)
As I understand it, laws, commands, rules and edicts are for those who have not the light which makes plain the pathway (Laws Quotes)
The underlying physical laws necessary for the mathematical theory of a large part of physics and the whole of chemistry are thus completely known, and the difficulty is only that the exact application of these laws leads to equations much too complicated to be soluble. It therefore becomes desirable that approximate practical methods of applying quantum mechanics should be developed, which can lead to an explanation of the main features of complex atomic systems without too much computation (Laws Quotes)
Love is only surpassing sweet when it is directed toward a mortal object, and the secret of this ultimate sweetness only is defined by the bitterness of death. Thus the white peoples of the world foresee a time when their land with its rivers and mountains still lies under heaven as it does today, but other people dwell there; when their language is entombed in books, and their laws and customs have lost their living power (Laws Quotes)
We have a closed circle of consistency here: the laws of physics produce complex systems, and these complex systems lead to consciousness, which then produces mathematics, which can then encode in a succinct and inspiring way the very underlying laws of physics that gave rise to it (Laws Quotes)
Power operates only destructively, bent always on forcing every manifestation of life into the straitjacket of its laws. Its intellectual form of expression is dead dogma, its physical form brute force. And this unintelligence of its objectives sets its stamp on its supporters also and renders them stupid and brutal, even when they were originally endowed with the best of talents. One who is constantly striving to force everything into a mechanical order at last becomes a machine himself and loses all human feeling (Laws Quotes)
Power always acts destructively, for its possessors are ever striving to lace all phenomena of social life into a corset of their laws to give them a definite shape. Its mental expression is dead dogma; its physical manifestation of life, brute force. This lack of intelligence in its endeavours leaves its imprint likewise on the persons of its representatives, gradually making them mentally inferior and brutal, even though they were originally excellently endowed. Nothing dulls the mind and soul of man as does the eternal monotony of routine, and power is essentially routine (Laws Quotes)
Civilization and the life of nations are governed by the same laws as prevail throughout nature and organic life (Laws Quotes)
There are ideas that exist in our minds that can be accounted for by no established laws (Laws Quotes)
Harshness towards individuals who flout the laws and commands of the state is for the public good; no greater crime against the public interest is possible than to show leniency to those who violate it (Laws Quotes)
Nothing will stop us. The road to the stars is steep and dangerous. But we’re not afraid... Space flights can’t be stopped. This isn’t the work of one man or even a group of men. It is a historical process which mankind is carrying out in accordance with the natural laws of human development (Laws Quotes)
As we respond to the assault of our enemy and defend our country, we must never break international laws. Crime can not be solved by more crime (Laws Quotes)
All the mathematical sciences are founded on the relations between physical laws and laws of numbers (Laws Quotes)
Mathematics is man’s own handiwork, subject only to the limitations imposed by the laws of thought (Laws Quotes)
Abstract understanding doesn’t mean arbitrary sloshing and messing. Abstract art is controlled visual magic based on laws and methodology. Abstraction generally involves implication, suggestion and mystery rather that obvious description. Like a good poem, a good abstraction attacks your feelings before your understanding. Abstraction within realism adds zest and excitement to otherwise dull subject matter. Abstract understanding takes time and patience (Laws Quotes)
There is no such thing as political science, but there are tenancies so strong that they might as well be called laws of nature (Laws Quotes)
If we can keep ourselves from interfering with the natural laws of life, mistakes can be our child’s finest teachers (Laws Quotes)
Was I a criminal? No. I was a good member of society. Only my society and the one making the laws are different (Laws Quotes)
It must have appeared almost as improbable to the earlier geologists, that the laws of earthquakes should one day throw light on the origin of mountains, as it must to the first astronomers, that the fall of an apple should assist in explaining the motions of the moon (Laws Quotes)
Our parents had to drive us to the gig, or even go in with us because of the liquor laws. The owners were really scared to death that we’d drink. We usually just went out somewhere and smoked weed. I don’t smoke anymore, but back then we used to smoke quite a lot (Laws Quotes)
Environmental laws give power to the people. Republicans can huff, puff and scream about what they consider strict regulations, but when they cry out for reform, for a quicker process, they’re really calling for a restriction of the rights of people to be involved in the planning process (Laws Quotes)
Minimum wage laws tragically generate unemployment, especially among the poorest and least skilled or educated workers... Because a minimum wage, of course, does not guarantee any worker’s employment; it only prohibits, by force of law, anyone from being hired at the wage which would pay his employer to hire him (Laws Quotes)
Mother’s milk would be banned by the food safety laws of industrialized nations if it were sold as a packaged good (Laws Quotes)
Why should antitrust laws be used to block mergers that the market, by the existence of willing buyers and sellers, shows to be desirable? (Laws Quotes)
I don’t believe, for instance, that evolutionary biology or any scientific endeavor has much to say about love. I’m sure a lot can be learned about the importance of hormones and their effects on our feelings. But do the bleak implications of evolution have any impact on the love I feel for my family? Do they make me more likely to break the law of flaunt society’s expectations of me? No. I simply does not follow that human relationships are meaningless just because we live in a godless universe subject to the natural laws of biology (Laws Quotes)
The internet has no government, no constitution, no laws, no rights, no police, no courts. Don’t talk about fairness or innocence, and don’t talk about what should be done. Instead, talk about what is being done and what will be done by the amorphous unreachable undefinable blob called the internet user base (Laws Quotes)
The laws of history tell us that only when the old is gone can the new take its place (Laws Quotes)