Laws Quotes

Text Quotes
We must have constantly present in our minds the difference between independence and liberty. Liberty is a right of doing whatever the laws permit, and if a citizen could do what they forbid he would no longer be possessed of liberty (Laws Quotes)
Justice is what is established; and thus all our established laws will necessarily be regarded as just without examination, since they are established (Laws Quotes)
You wanna get rid of drug crime in this country? Fine, let’s just get rid of all the drug laws (Laws Quotes)
In the myopic world of the liberals, guns are responsible for evil instead of the perpetrator of evil. But criminals are not bound by our laws. That’s what makes them criminals (Laws Quotes)
The fundamental law of the militia is, that it be created, directed and commanded by the laws, and ever for the support of the laws (Laws Quotes)
It has been said that arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity (Laws Quotes)
The new always happens against the overwhelming odds of statistical laws and their probability, which for all practical, everyday purposes amounts to certainty; the new therefore always appears in the guise of a miracle (Laws Quotes)
Judges must beware of hard constructions and strained inferences, for there is no worse torture than that of laws (Laws Quotes)
The grandest of all laws is the law of progressive development. Under it, in the wide sweep of things, men grow wiser as they grow older, and societies better (Laws Quotes)
We gain our ends only with the laws of nature; we control her only by understanding her laws (Laws Quotes)
Writing has laws of perspective, of light and shade just as painting does, or music. If you are born knowing them, fine. If not, learn them. Then rearrange the rules to suit yourself (Laws Quotes)
Language is a process of free creation; its laws and principles are fixed, but the manner in which the principles of generation are used is free and infinitely varied. Even the interpretation and use of words involves a process of free creation (Laws Quotes)
The magistrates are the ministers for the laws, the judges their interpreters, the rest of us are servants of the law, that we all may be free (Laws Quotes)
To know the laws is not to memorize their letter but to grasp their full force and meaning (Laws Quotes)
We can allow satellites, planets, suns, universe, nay whole systems of universes, to be governed by laws, but the smallest insect, we wish to be created at once by special act (Laws Quotes)
The laws were not made so much for the direction of good men, as to circumscribe the bad (Laws Quotes)
And these things are pretty much foundational: thou shall not kill, steal, bear false witness. All these things are embedded into the laws we enjoy in our nation (Laws Quotes)
Decency is the least of all laws, but yet it is the law which is most strictly observed (Laws Quotes)
Are not laws dangerous which inhibit the passions? Compare the centuries of anarchy with those of the strongest legalism in any country you like and you will see that it is only when the laws are silent that the greatest actions appear (Laws Quotes)
Nature, who for the perfect maintenance of the laws of her general equilibrium, has sometimes need of vices and sometimes of virtues, inspires now this impulse, now that one, in accordance with what she requires (Laws Quotes)
So long as the laws remain such as they are today, employ some discretion: loud opinion forces us to do so; but in privacy and silence let us compensate ourselves for that cruel chastity we are obliged to display in public (Laws Quotes)
Law in general is human reason, inasmuch as it governs all the inhabitants of the earth: the political and civil laws of each nation ought to be only the particular cases in which human reason is applied (Laws Quotes)
If man asks for many laws it is only because he is sure that his neighbor needs them; privately he is an unphilosophical anarchist, and thinks laws in his own case superfluous (Laws Quotes)
As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality (Laws Quotes)
There is no logical way to the discovery of these elemental laws. There is only the way of intuition, which is helped by a feeling for the order lying behind the appearance (Laws Quotes)
It is a base thing for a man among the people not to obey those in command. Never in a state can the laws be well administered when fear does not stand firm (Laws Quotes)
How I wish we lived in a time when laws were not necessary to safeguard us from discrimination (Laws Quotes)
Men write many fine and plausible arguments in support of monarchy, but the fact remains that where every man has a voice, brutal laws are impossible (Laws Quotes)
Men fight for freedom; then they begin to accumulate laws to take it away from themselves (Laws Quotes)
Laws for the liberal education of youth, especially of the lower class of people, are so extremely wise and useful, that, to a humane and generous mind, no expense for this purpose would be thought extravagant (Laws Quotes)