Lay Quotes

Text Quotes
Always hedge your bets. That’s how I do it. I lay all my bets on what I can contribute, and suffer no illusions that I’m generating stuff by myself. (Lay Quotes)
When we have an understanding that the Lord is all powerful, then we know that we need to trust Him each and every day. This understanding allows us to lay our worries in the Lord’s hands. In return, we can focus everything that we do into glorifying Jesus. (Lay Quotes)
I don’t mind being pale. In high school, it seemed like everybody cared about being tan all year round, but I haven’t really thought about it since then. I don’t go to a tanning bed, and I get bored when I lay out. I put sunscreen on when I’m in the sun, and sometimes I get tan, but I don’t really think about it very much. (Lay Quotes)
I seek the Will of the Spirit of God through, or in connection with, the Word of God. The Spirit and the Word must be combined. If I look to the Spirit alone without the Word, I lay myself open to great delusions also. (Lay Quotes)
My parents...were people running from the past, who didn’t look back at much if they could help it, and whose whole life always lay somewhere in the offing. (Lay Quotes)
The projector’s beam lay warm on Walt’s neck, and he knew they’d all been plucked from danger and love, from another time, another place, and set back into this dark, sticky-floored theater, in the heart of nothing much that mattered. (Lay Quotes)
My mother’s family is Christian: her father was a Baptist lay preacher, and her brother, in a leap of Anglican upward mobility, became a vicar in the Church of Wales. But my mother converted to Islam on marrying my father. She was not obliged to; Muslim men are free to marry ahl al-kitab, or people of the Book - among them, Jews and Christians. (Lay Quotes)
You came into the world armed to the teeth. With an arsenal of weapons, weapons of privilege, economic privilege, sexual privilege, racial privilege. You want to be a pacifist, you’re not just going to have to give up guns, knives, clubs, hard, angry words, you are going to have lay down the weapons of privilege and go into the world completely disarmed. (Lay Quotes)
I have to take care of myself because if you get sick, you still have to work. I’m not much a party animal, anyway. I lay low. (Lay Quotes)
The lion will lay down with the lamb...but every morning they’ll have to provide a new lamb. Maybe this world is another planet’s hell. (Lay Quotes)
Let no one profess to trust in God, and yet lay up for future wants, otherwise the Lord will first send him to the hoard he has amassed, before He can answer the prayer for more. (Lay Quotes)
I never had faith that the answers to human problems lay in anything that could be called political. I thought the answers, if there were answers, lay someplace in man’s soul. (Lay Quotes)
He never seemed to grasp the immense mutability of human nature, nor to appreciate that behind every nondescript face lay a wild and unique hinterland like his own. (Lay Quotes)
The United States supports the reintegration of people who have fought with the Taliban into Afghan society provided they: one, renounce al Qaeda, two, lay down their arms and renounce violence, and three, participate in the public political life of the country in accordance with the constitution. (Lay Quotes)
When people are hungry, when a mother or father is facing a child that they can’t feed, you can’t ask that family to lay down their arms. (Lay Quotes)
It seems to me we have been in a rhetorical arms race in this country, with each side unwilling to lay down its weapons for fear - usually justified - the other side would beat them to a pulp. (Lay Quotes)
My novels about medieval Wales were set in unexplored terrain; my readers did not know what lay around every bend in the road. (Lay Quotes)
He who wishes to fight must first count the cost. When you engage in actual fighting, if victory is long in coming, then men’s weapons will grow dull and their ardor will be dampened. If you lay siege to a town, you will exhaust your strength. (Lay Quotes)
His voice stopped and they looked for a long quiet moment into each other’s eyes and between them lay the sunny lost youth that they had so unthinkingly shared. (Lay Quotes)
If I could ask Ken Lay one question right now, do you know what it would be? Does the Devil really wear Prada? (Lay Quotes)
When the principles that run against your deepest convictions begin to win the day, then the battle is your calling, and peace has become sin. You must at the price of dearest peace lay your convictions bare before friend and enemy with all the fire of your faith. (Lay Quotes)
Somehow he had catapulted himself beyond the world’s value system. But this very fact lay upon him an awesome responsibility to maintain the illusions of other men. (Lay Quotes)
If you can find a group of women, any age, who are supportive and kind and love you, that’s the best. I have a group of girlfriends that I would lay in front of a bus for. They’ve picked me up through really, really bad times and I can definitely say I’ve done the same for them. (Lay Quotes)
It is a health care law [ObamaCare] that is basically forcing companies to lay people off, cut people’s hours, move people to part-time. It is not just a bad health care law, it is a job-killing law. (Lay Quotes)
The balance of power is the scale of peace. The same balance would be preserved were all the world not destitute of arms, for all would be alike; but since some will not, others dare not lay them aside ... Horrid mischief would ensue were one half the world deprived of the use of them ... the weak will become prey to the strong. (Lay Quotes)
The key to happiness doesn’t lay in numbers in a bank account but in the way we make others feel. (Lay Quotes)
My dad’s main client was the World Bank, and he spent most of his time traveling to Third World countries. His particular interest lay in the eradication of poverty through development and business. (Lay Quotes)
When I was young, I read everything I could lay my hands on, but the Scots in my storybooks spent their time fighting glorious battles, rowing across lochs, or escaping over moors of purple heather. Even those Scots were hard to find. For at school, we recited poetry according to the set texts the teachers taught us. (Lay Quotes)
In the center lay the exploded carcass of a lonely sperm whale that hadn’t lived long enough to be disappointed with its lot. (Lay Quotes)
Have you any old grudges you would like to pay, Any wrongs laid up from a bygone day? -Gather them now and lay them away When Christmas comes. Hard thoughts are heavy to carry, my friend, And life is short from beginning to end; Be kind to yourself, leave nothing to mend When Christmas comes. (Lay Quotes)