Lay Quotes

Text Quotes
It’s such a tragedy that man endures in killing his brother and his own kind, putting him in jail and insane asylums, letting him lay out in the street. (Lay Quotes)
In the first place, our faith ought to lay hold on Christ as God and man in that nature by which He has been made our neighbor, kinsman, and brother. (Lay Quotes)
Wherever any precept of traditional morality is simply challenged to produce its credentials, as though the burden of proof lay on it, we have taken the wrong position. (Lay Quotes)
In 1994, when I came to PepsiCo, there were really three businesses. They were soft drinks, which included both bottling and the concentrate company. There were salted snacks - Frito Lay. And restaurants where we had, we all talk of them, Pizza Hut, KFC and a whole bunch of casual dining chains. (Lay Quotes)
Love is woman’s business,and in business we all lay aside our natural weaknesses (Lay Quotes)
The great achievement of the Catholic Church lay in harmonizing, civilizing the deepest impulses of ordinary, ignorant people. (Lay Quotes)
Enron’s president, Ken Lay, passed away last week. So, I guess even God lost money on that Enron deal. I believe the official cause of death was listed as karma. The family asked in lieu of flowers, please send some elderly retiree’s entire life savings. (Lay Quotes)
Life on earth, filled with uncertainty and change, seemed far more difficult than what lay beyond the grave. (Lay Quotes)
I will lay out my plan for the United Kingdom which I hope can provide unity and change (Lay Quotes)
She felt as if things were moving past her as she lay stretched on the bed under the single sheet. But it’s not landscape any longer, she thought; it’s people’s lives, their changing lives. (Lay Quotes)
Farid, you are keeping a hawk; don’t expect her to lay eggs like a chicken (Lay Quotes)
I’m cool with whatever. I’ll just keep eating my bread, sipping my soup and serving my time. But the chicken is going to lay some more eggs one day. (Lay Quotes)
In homes where high ideals and gospel values are maintained, it is parents, not teachers, who lay the foundation of character and faith in the hearts of their children. (Lay Quotes)
I find writing for children much easier. I don’t mean it’s less demanding - you’ve got to have a talent for it and you’ve got to work very hard - but you don’t have to pull your guts out and lay them on the line in quite the same way as when you’re writing for adults. (Lay Quotes)
It’s a spinoff of the original Cracker Jack, but it’s Cracker Jack’d. Frito Lay, when they asked me to be a part of it, I tried it, and I really like it. My favorite’s the peanut butter and chocolate. (Lay Quotes)
I will say, in open adoption, all these choices you make about race, about the amount of mental illness you can deal with, about special needs and physical maladies, you have to lay all this out there before you know anybody’s story. (Lay Quotes)
Muhammad established a religion by putting his enemies to death; Jesus Christ by commanding his followers to lay down their lives. (Lay Quotes)
My failure to lay aside the sin that so easily entangles is the direct result of my refusal to die to my natural proclivity toward attaining my own freedom, meaning, value, worth, and righteousness - not believing that, by virtue of my Spirit - wrought union with Christ, everything I need, I already possess. (Lay Quotes)
As I lay so sick on my bed, from Christmas till March, I was always praying for poor ole master. ‘Pears like I didn’t do nothing but pray for ole master. ‘Oh, Lord, convert ole master;’ ‘Oh, dear Lord, change dat man’s heart, and make him a Christian.’ (Lay Quotes)
The ‘means of grace’ are such as Bible reading, private prayer, and regularly worshiping God in Church, wherein one hears the Word taught and participates in the Lord’s Supper. I lay it down as a simple matter of fact that no one who is careless about such things must ever expect to make much progress in sanctification. (Lay Quotes)
The Roman legions were formed in the first instance of citizen soldiers, who yet had been made to submit to a rigid discipline, and to feel that in that submission lay their strength. (Lay Quotes)
I do believe that the future of civilization belongs to those who would lay emphasis on working together instead of talking about clash of civilizations. (Lay Quotes)
Fashion is so close in revealing a person’s inner feelings and everybody seems to hate to lay claim to vanity so people tend to push it away. It’s really too close to the quick of the soul. (Lay Quotes)
I have seen American determination in people like Debbi Sommers. She runs a furniture rental business for conventions in Las Vegas. When 9/11 hit, and again, when the recession tanked the conventions business, she didn’t give up, close down, or lay off her people. She taught them not just to rent furniture, but also to manufacture it. (Lay Quotes)
He swatted at her with his book. Shut up and read, will you?He lay back down and closed his eyes. Emma glanced over to check that he was smiling, and smiled too. (Lay Quotes)
May you never lay your head down, without a hand to hold. May you never make your bed out in the cold. (Lay Quotes)
The sorrow that lay cold in her mother’s heart... converted it into a tomb. (Lay Quotes)
Here’s something else to think about: calling when you say you’re going to is the very first brick in the house you are building of love and trust. If he can’t lay this one stupid brick down, you ain’t never gonna have a house baby, and it’s cold outside. (Lay Quotes)
If you have ever slept in a covered casserole dish on the highest peak of a mountain range, then you know that it is an uncomfortable place to lay one’s head, even if you find a dish towel inside it that can serve as a blanket. (Lay Quotes)
Yoga has been something that’s always there to take with me and practice throughout any journey. There’s no place I’ve ever been where yoga hasn’t fit itself in. I currently work on a commercial fishing boat in Alaska and I am still able to find time to lay my mat on the deck and practice what makes me the best me I can be, thanks to yoga. (Lay Quotes)