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Layoffs Quotes

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Today's business and health care climate may not be pleasant. Cutbacks, pay cuts and layoffs do not make anyone's job easy. But that does not mean that the humor need stop  (Layoffs Quotes) You cannot cheat with the law of conservation of violence: all violence is paid for, and for example, the structural violence exerted by the financial markets, in the form of layoffs, loss of security, etc., is matched sooner or later in the form of suicides, crime and delinquency, drug addiction, alcoholism, a whole host of minor and major everyday acts of violence  (Layoffs Quotes) I see young quarterbacks just coming into the league, and they’re throwing screens and layoffs right away. As funny as this might sound, I really learned a lot by going downfield, even in tight coverage  (Layoffs Quotes) There’s ups and downs with boxing, layoffs are part of the sport and they can either help or hurt a guy  (Layoffs Quotes) But I don’t want massive layoffs of anyone - public or private. We are planning on shrinking government through attrition and reform, not through random pink slips  (Layoffs Quotes) The Great Depression was going on, so that the station and the streets teemed with homeless people, just as they do today. The newspapers were full of stories of worker layoffs and farm foreclosures and bank failures, just as they are today. All that has changed, in my opinion, is that, thanks to television, we can hide a Great Depression. We may even be hiding a Third World War.  (Layoffs Quotes) Most companies that go through layoffs are never the same. They don’t recover because trust is broken. And if you’re not honest at the point where you’re breaking trust anyway, you will never recover.  (Layoffs Quotes) Smart development builds on a region’s own skills, resources and local businesses. Dumb growth invites a big corporation in, surrenders control and profits to a distant headquarters, undercuts local manufacturers, and risks layoffs without warning.  (Layoffs Quotes)