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Where commerce and capitalism are invloved, often times, morality and honor sink to the bottom - Oliver Goldsmith paraphrased  (Lds Quotes) Rows and rows of books lined the shelves... full of ideas and images, worlds imagined, worlds perceived; full of fingerprints and sudden laughter and the sighs of readers  (Lds Quotes) She had read about people - where? she could not remember this either - who refused to name their children for several weeks, feeling them to not be yet of the earth, suspended still between two worlds  (Lds Quotes) A sharp tempered woman, or, for that matter, a man, is easier to deal with than the clever type who holds her tongue  (Lds Quotes) Take criticism, smash it into dust, add color and use it to paint breathtaking images of unicorns frolicking through endless fields of greatness.  (Lds Quotes) Looking from the window at the fantastic light and colour of my glittering fairy-world of fact that holds no tenderness, no quietude, I long suddenly for peace, for understanding  (Lds Quotes) The optimist builds himself safe inside a cell and paints the inside walls sky blue and blocks up the door and says he's in heaven  (Lds Quotes) Just that maybe … maybe you don't want to change the story, because you don't know what a different ending holds  (Lds Quotes) Nine year old boys usually turn ten at some point. It's the nineteen year olds who have difficulty turning twenty  (Lds Quotes) A lovely river, all alone, she lingers in the hills and holds a hundred little towns of stone, forgotten in the western wolds  (Lds Quotes) A glory gilds the sacred page, majestic like the sun, it gives a light to every age, it gives, but borrows none  (Lds Quotes) In the vast, and the minute, we see the unambiguous footsteps of the God, who gives its lustre to an insect's wing and wheels His throne upon the rolling worlds  (Lds Quotes) He holds no parley with unmanly fears, where duty bids he confident steers, faces a thousand dangers at her call, and, trusting to his God, surmounts them all  (Lds Quotes) I feel so selfish, because I want the best of both worlds. I want to keep the image I've worked so hard to create  (Lds Quotes) Newspapers that are truly independent, like the Washington Post, can still aggressively investigate anyone or anything with no holds barred  (Lds Quotes) Love flourishes in expectation. Expectation strolls through the spacious fields of time towards opportunity  (Lds Quotes) The little cares that fretted me, I lost them yesterday Among the fields above the sea, Among the winds at play  (Lds Quotes) We read novels because they give us the comfortable sensation of living in worlds where the notion of truth is indisputable, while the actual world seems to be a more treacherous place  (Lds Quotes) The simple minded positivism that believes it has found a firm ground of certainty if it only excludes all mental phenomena from consideration and holds fast to observable facts  (Lds Quotes) There are some fields near Manchester, well known to the inhabitants as Green Heys Fields, through which runs a public footpath to a little village about two miles distant  (Lds Quotes) Mother's love is given by God, John. It holds fast for ever and ever. A girl's love is like a puff of smoke, it changes with every wind  (Lds Quotes) But fate it a cunning hussy, and builds up her plans as imperceptibly as a bird builds her nest; and with the same kind of unconsidered trifles  (Lds Quotes) I like working closely with artists. I think that's very important in fantasy and science fiction - the visual aspect of the worlds and the characters  (Lds Quotes) Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon. Which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it. It is a sword that heals  (Lds Quotes) I'm wishing he could see that music lives. Forever. That it's stronger than death. Stronger than time. And that its strength holds you together when nothing else can  (Lds Quotes) Soldier, rest! Thy warfare o'er, sleep the sleep that knows not breaking; dream of battled fields no more, days of danger, nights of waking  (Lds Quotes) Earth walks on Earth, glittering in gold; earth goes to Earth. Sooner than it wold; earth builds on Earth, palaces and towers; earth says to Earth, soon, all shall be ours  (Lds Quotes) Our nature holds so much envy and malice that our pleasure in our own advantages is not so great as our distress at others  (Lds Quotes) Soldier, rest! Thy warfare o'er, dream of fighting fields no more: Sleep the sleep that knows not breaking, morn of toll, nor night of waking  (Lds Quotes) You have to walk carefully in the beginning of love; the running across fields into your lover's arms can only come later when you're sure they won't laugh if you trip  (Lds Quotes)
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