Lds Quotes

Text Quotes
If thou wouldst hear what seemly is and fit, inquire of noble woman; they can tell, who in life’s common usage hold their place by graceful deed and aptly chosen word (Lds Quotes)
The will that yields the first time with some reluctance does so the second time with less hesitation, and the third time with none at all, until presently the habit is adopted (Lds Quotes)
We may believe that we shall know each other’s forms hereafter; and in the bright fields of the better land call the lost dead to us (Lds Quotes)
Every man has some peculiar train of thought which he falls back upon when he is alone. This, to a great degree, moulds the man (Lds Quotes)
The love of study is in us the only lasting passion. All the others quit us in proportion as this miserable machine which holds them approaches its ruins (Lds Quotes)
Childhood often holds a truth with its feeble finger, which the grasp of manhood cannot retain, which it is the pride of utmost age to recover (Lds Quotes)
Twinkle, twinkle, little star! How I wonder what you are, up above the worlds so high, like a diamond in the sky! (Lds Quotes)
In desert wilds, in midnight gloom; in grateful joy, in trying pain; in laughing youth, or nigh the tomb; oh! When is prayer unheard or vain? (Lds Quotes)
The corruption of the positively wicked is often less sad and fatal to society than the irregularities of a virtuous man who yields and falls (Lds Quotes)
Ay, these look like the workmanship of heaven; this is the porcelain clay of human kind, and therefore cast into these noble moulds (Lds Quotes)
Some of the domestic evils of drunkenness are houses without windows, gardens without fences, fields without tillage, barns without roofs, children without clothing, principles, morals or manners (Lds Quotes)
The avaricious man is like the barren, sandy ground of the desert, which sucks in all the rain and dews with greediness, but yields no fruitful herbs or plants for the benefit of others (Lds Quotes)
Seas are the fields of combat for the winds; but when they sweep along some flowery coast, their wings move mildly, and their rage is lost (Lds Quotes)
I do not think that the road to contentment lies in despising what we have not got. Let us acknowledge all good, all delight that the world holds, and be content without it (Lds Quotes)
And for exile they change their homes and pleasant thresholds, and seek a country lying beneath another sun (Lds Quotes)
The general rule always holds good. In constitutional states liberty is a compensation of the heaviness of taxation. In despotic states the equivalent for liberty is the lightness of taxation (Lds Quotes)
Man is greater than a world, than systems of worlds; there is more mystery in the union of soul with the physical than in the creation of a universe (Lds Quotes)
I love her doubting and anguish; I love the love she withholds, I love my love that loveth her, and anew her being moulds (Lds Quotes)
Thou oughtest to be nice, even to superstition, in keeping thy promises; and therefore thou shouldst be equally cautious in making them (Lds Quotes)
The fields did laugh, the flowers did freshly spring, the trees did bud and early blossoms bore, and all the quire of birds did sweetly sing, and told that garden’s pleasures in their caroling (Lds Quotes)
From a common custom of swearing men easily slide into perjury; therefore, if thou wouldst not be perjured, do not use thyself to swear (Lds Quotes)
Enjoy what thou hast inherited from thy sires if thou wouldst possess it; what we employ not is an oppressive burden; what the moment brings forth, that only can it profit by (Lds Quotes)
One sweet, sad secret holds my heart in thrall; a mighty love within my breast has grown, unseen, unspoken, and of no one known; and of my sweet, who gave it, least of all (Lds Quotes)
It is much easier to ruin a man of principle than a man of none, for he may be ruined through his scruples. Knavery is supple and can bend; but honesty is firm and upright, and yields not (Lds Quotes)
When a beautiful woman yields to temptation, let her consult her pride, though she forgets her virtue (Lds Quotes)
An age builds up cities: an hour destroys them. In a moment the ashes are made, but a forest is a long time growing (Lds Quotes)
The ocean’s surfy, slow, deep, mellow voice, full of mystery and awe, moaning over the dead it holds in its bosom, or lulling them to unbroken slumbers in the chambers of its vasty depths (Lds Quotes)
What is certain in death is somewhat softened by what is uncertain; it is an indefiniteness in the time, which holds a certain relation to the infinite, and what is called eternity (Lds Quotes)
There is a world above, where parting is unknown; a whole eternity of love, form’d for the good alone; and faith beholds the dying here Translated to that happier sphere (Lds Quotes)
Happy he who far from business, like the primitive are of mortals, cultivates with his own oxen the fields of his fathers, free from all anxieties of gain (Lds Quotes)