Le Quotes

Text Quotes
I was in a peacetime army. It was like something out of a Le Carre novel: studying the habits of your enemy. It was very exciting. It’s interesting living life as a civilian, then on Friday night you’re parachuting into a foreign country. (Le Quotes)
For me [ Giovanni Lorenzo ] Bernini, [Francesco ] Borromini, and [Donato] Bramante have been as significant as Alvar Aalto, Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, and Louis Kahn. I still marvel at their works, which have a quality and a timelessness that I seek to have in our projects. (Le Quotes)
For as laws are necessary that good manners may be preserved, so there is need of good manner that laws may be maintained. [It., Perche, cosi come I buoni costumi, per mantenersi, hanno bisogno delli leggi; cosi le leggi per ossevarsi, hanno bisogno de’ buoni costumi.] (Le Quotes)
For John le Carre, it was always who’s betraying who: the hall-of-mirrors kind of thing. When you go back to the 30s, it’s a case of good vs. evil, and no kidding. When I have a hero who believes France and Britain are on the right side, a reader is not going to question that. (Le Quotes)
Sending a container from Shanghai to Le Havre emits fewer greenhouse gases than the truck that takes the container on to Lyon. (Le Quotes)
Dieu est le point tangent de ze ro et de l’infini. God is the tangential point of zero and the infinite (Le Quotes)
A l’intérieur de ce corps vivait l’âme d’une intellectuelle et poète don’t personne n’avait le soupçon. Within this body lived the soul of an intellectual and poet, which nobody had suspected (Le Quotes)
Ah, bien je prétends que les courbes des quatre areêtes du monument, telles que le calcul les a fournies, donneront une grand impression de force et de beauté.Well, I think the curves of the four pillars of the monument, as the calculations have provided them, give it a great sense of force and beauty (Le Quotes)
The habit some writers indulge in of perpetual quotation is one it behooves lovers of good literature to protest against, for it is an insidious habit which in the end must cloud the stream of thought, or at least check spontaneity. If it be true that le style c’est l homme, what is likely to happen if l homme is for ever eking out his own personality with that of some other individual? (Le Quotes)
Le plus beau vêtement qui puisse habiller une femme, ce sont les bras de l’homme qu’elle aime. Mais, pour celles qui n’ont pas eu la chance de trouver ce bonheur, je suis là (Le Quotes)
For a woman, le smoking is an indispensable garment with which she finds herself continually in fashion, because it is about style, not fashion. Fashions come and go, but style is forever (Le Quotes)
Le bonheur engloutit nos forces, comme le malheur e teint nos vertus. Happiness engulfs our strength, just as misfortune extinguishes our virtues (Le Quotes)
Quand on voit le style naturel, on est tout e tonne et ravi, car on s’attendait de voir un auteur, et on trouve un homme. When we see a natural style we are quite amazed and delighted, because we expected to see an author and find a man (Le Quotes)
Notre nature est dans le mouvement; le repos entier est la mort. Our nature consists in movement; absolute rest is death (Le Quotes)
Le silence e ternel de ces espaces infinis m’effraie. The eternal silence of these infinite spaces fills me with dread (Le Quotes)
Le silence est la plus grande perse cution: jamais les saints ne se sont tus. Silence is the greatest of all persecutions: no saint was ever silent (Le Quotes)
N’attendez pas le jugement dernier. Il a lieu tous les jours. Do not wait for the last judgment. It happens every day (Le Quotes)
Comme l’imagination a cre e le monde, elle le gouverne. Because imagination created the world, it governs it (Le Quotes)
Le mal se fait sans effort, naturellement, par fatalite ; le bien est toujours le produit d’un art. Evil is done without effort, naturally, it’s destiny; good is always a product of art (Le Quotes)
L’imagination est la reine du vrai, et le possible est une des provinces du vrai. Imagination is the queen of the truth and the possible is one of the provinces of the truth (Le Quotes)
Axiome: la haine du bourgeois est le commencement de la vertu. Axiom: Hatred of the bourgeois is the beginning of wisdom (Le Quotes)
Those policies [of Jean-Marie Le Pen ]I find repellent. I believe many people right across consist the world do. There is no future in that type of narrow minded racism and nationalism (Le Quotes)
Le mensonge et les vers de tout temps sont amis. Lies and literature have always been friends (Le Quotes)
Ainsi que la vertu, le crime a ses degre s. Crime, like virtue, has its degrees (Le Quotes)
Le bonheur est dans l’amour un e tat anormal. In love, happiness is abnormal (Le Quotes)
Le style, pour l’e crivain aussi bien que pour le peintre, est une question non de technique mais de vision. For the writer as well as for the painter, style is not a question of technique, but of vision (Le Quotes)
La ve rite existe; on n’invente que le mensonge. Truth exists; only lies are invented (Le Quotes)
Les trois quarts de nos exercices intellectuels ne sont plus que broderies sur le vide. Three quarters of our intellectual performances are no more than decorations over a void (Le Quotes)
Nous ne pouvons arracher une seule page de notre vie, mais nous pouvons jeter le livre au feu. We cannot tear out a single page from our life, but we can throw the entire book in the fire (Le Quotes)
Le vrai est trop simple, il faut y arriver toujours par le complique. Truth is too simple; it must always be arrived at in a complicated manner (Le Quotes)