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All the lives we ever lead are only dreams, these walking moments, that look so solid to you when you consider yourself awake, are just dreams  (Lead Quotes) There are future lives. It is not necessary to cram everything into this lifetime. You can enjoy this lifetime, go with the flow, and know it will lead you to a better life in your next incarnation  (Lead Quotes) Everything that you have done has led up to what you are now. Everything you do now will lead up to what you will be  (Lead Quotes) Karma will lead you to a larger more expansive happier view or a dinger darker view. That view will enable you to make choices and have experiences  (Lead Quotes) When you’re a lead role, I’m learning that you set a tone for the movie in a way, like a director does, or like other actors do. But it seems like you set a mood on set  (Lead Quotes) It is thus that mutual cowardice keeps us in peace. Were one half of mankind brave and one cowards, the brave would be always beating the cowards. Were all brave, they would lead a very uneasy life; all would be continually fighting; but being all cowards, we go on very well  (Lead Quotes) The mass of men lead lives of shallow happiness; the superior man exults in his gloom  (Lead Quotes) Let us face ourselves bravely as we are. For only a philosophy that recognizes reality can lead us into true happiness, and only that kind of philosophy is sound and healthy  (Lead Quotes) The growing complexity of science, technology, and organization does not imply either a growing knowledge or a growing need for knowledge in the general population. On the contrary, the increasingly complex processes tend to lead to increasingly simple and easily understood products. The genius of mass production is precisely in its making more products more accessible, both economically and intellectually to more people  (Lead Quotes) You mustn’t confuse the need for effective chairmanship, which is part of the job of the boss, along with the ability to take tough decisions and to lead people  (Lead Quotes) Mama had an appreciation of the language. She taught me a love of words, of how they should be used and how they can fill a creative soul with a passion and lead to a life’s work  (Lead Quotes) Always meet petulance with gentleness and perverseness with kindness. A gentle hand can lead even en elephant by a hair. Reply to thine enemy with gentleness  (Lead Quotes) While you’re being creative, nothing is wrong. There’s no such thing as a mistake, and any drivel may lead to the breakthrough  (Lead Quotes) If you work it will lead to something. It’s the people who do all of the work all the time who eventually catch on to things  (Lead Quotes) Oh, it was a disaster,.. It went down like a lead balloon. I don’t know why. I had thought the women in the audience deserved a little bit of something else after watching all those beautiful women. But I think they were shocked. Although the guys did dance nicely  (Lead Quotes) I don’t want my husband to push me around in a wheelchair. I don’t want someone to lead me around because I’m blind  (Lead Quotes) A plan is only a scenario, and almost by definition, it is optimistic... As a result, scenario planning can lead to a serious underestimate of the risk of failure  (Lead Quotes) When I was a freshman in high school, my drama teacher, an incredible, inspirational genius, the guy who got me into acting, he encouraged me to get the lead in a musical. They didn’t have any guys  (Lead Quotes) The environmental assessment should give us the answers to all the issues that have been raised: potential lead migration, endangered species, noise abatement and proper disposal of shot, shells and things  (Lead Quotes) The best way I can mentor and lead those around me is to embody these qualities myself  (Lead Quotes) It was something I really wanted to do. I can’t imagine what it will be like to carry the flag and walk through the doors of the stadium. I’m thrilled to lead the team  (Lead Quotes) Our whole evolution up to this point shows that human groups spontaneously evolve patterns of behavior, as well as patterns of training people for that behavior, which tend on balance to lead people to create rather than destroy. Humans are, on net balance, builders rather than destroyers  (Lead Quotes) Most child welfare agencies tend to embrace secrecy because the people who lead them tend to be mediocre and don’t want you to see how poor a job they are doing  (Lead Quotes) The object of government is the welfare of the people. The material progress and prosperity of a nation are desirable chiefly so far as they lead to the moral and material welfare of all good citizens  (Lead Quotes) Those who dwell, as scientists or laymen, among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life. Whatever the vexations or concerns of their personal lives, their thoughts can find paths that lead to inner contentment and to renewed excitement in living  (Lead Quotes) No man can lead a public career really worth leading, no man can act with rugged independence in serious crises, nor strike at great abuses, nor afford to make powerful and unscrupulous foes, if he is himself vulnerable in his private character  (Lead Quotes) The goal of coaching is not in fixing what is broken, but in discovering new talents and new ways to use old talents that lead to far greater effectiveness  (Lead Quotes) History teaches us no race, no people, no nation has ever been freed through cowardice, through cringing, through bowing and scraping, but all that has been achieved to the glory of mankind, to the glory and honour of races and nations was through the manly determination and effort of those who lead and those who are led  (Lead Quotes) To myself, mountains are the beginning and the end of all natural scenery; in them, and in the forms of inferior landscape that lead to them, my affections are wholly bound up  (Lead Quotes) When you have feelings like sadness or anger about your cancer or your plight, to mask them is to lead an artificial life  (Lead Quotes)
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