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Leader Quotes

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I consider myself a leader of this football team, along with a lot of other guys  (Leader Quotes) I just think that the qualities of leadership are unknown even to the leader until he’s tested and given a challenge  (Leader Quotes) You never really know how good of a leader you are until there is something there is lead us to, toward or through or to overcome  (Leader Quotes) A leader can`t move a country that`s not ready. You can`t make the waves, but when you see them coming, you can help direct them  (Leader Quotes) If you want to be a leader, it doesn’t mean that you have to have an opinion on everything. But if you do have an opinion and it is clear and you feel strongly about it, then you should say it  (Leader Quotes) When leadership rises to genius it has the power of transforming, of transforming experience into power. And that is what experience is for, to be made into power. The great leader creates as well as directs power  (Leader Quotes) Part of the task of the leader is to make others participate in his leadership. The best leader knows how to make his followers actually feel power themselves, not merely acknowledge his power  (Leader Quotes) The best leader does not ask people to serve him, but the common end. The best leader has not followers, but men and women working with him  (Leader Quotes) We should think not only of what the leader does to the group, but also of what the group does to the leader  (Leader Quotes) Our first responsibility as a leader is to create an attractive dream, to proclaim a destination, communicating it in detail to others who might be interested in joining our expedition  (Leader Quotes) Real democracy means that no group or faction or leader can impose their will, their ideology, their religion, their desires on anyone else  (Leader Quotes) To be successful in coaching you have to treat your team like a family. The leader needs backing from everyone  (Leader Quotes) Perhaps the true mark of a leader is that she or he is willing to stand alone  (Leader Quotes) As a leader, it is vitally important that you keep in touch with your boss on a regular, sacrosanct basis. Chances are your boss can provide an aerial view that will make your path more clear  (Leader Quotes) A bossy woman is someone to search out and celebrate. A bossy woman is someone who cares and commits and is a natural leader  (Leader Quotes) The teacher loses the position of external boss or dictator but takes on that of leader of group activities  (Leader Quotes) My job as majority leader is be supportive of our troops, try to have input as decisions are made and to look at those decisions after they’re made... not to march in lock step with everything the president decides to do  (Leader Quotes) I’ve long held the belief that as a leader, I can’t ask of you something that I can’t do myself, and I can’t impose on you values that I don’t live out  (Leader Quotes) If you can raise the level of effort and performance in those around you, you are officially a leader  (Leader Quotes) The hardest thing about being a leader is demonstrating or showing vulnerability. And that has a lot to do with trust  (Leader Quotes) Being a leader, it’s the art of trying to find the balance, the right times with each individual and what they need at that moment. It requires looking outward as opposed to looking inside  (Leader Quotes) The ability to connect and influence people, that’s the job of a leader. And we’re all leaders at some level  (Leader Quotes) I think that being a business a leader that treads all over people to get to the top is actually not the way I think to become a successful business leader  (Leader Quotes) If you don’t find a leader, perhaps it is because you were meant to lead  (Leader Quotes) I want somebody athletic, outgoing, at least two inches taller than I am, rugged, very outdoorsy, a leader, someone who would overpower me  (Leader Quotes) The minute you become a leader of a country, you go into a very small club. You join that sort of pantheon of other world leaders  (Leader Quotes) The race to be a leader is crowded, but the field is wide open for those willing to be servants  (Leader Quotes) Japan is already a leader in energy efficiency, and it has a wealth of innovative technologies. We must put this expertise to use creating a model for growth and sustainability that we can share with the world  (Leader Quotes) Well, the first quality of being a good leader is you have to be able to follow. See, a good leader can’t just be the leader all the time, I have to be able to follow  (Leader Quotes) I love sports, and when I was playing soccer, I was always trying to be the leader on the team and the one who takes control  (Leader Quotes)
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