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Leader Quotes

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He has become a great leader of his team, a guy that has evolved in terms of his role within the team  (Leader Quotes) I feel like I am a good person and a professional, very able leader of men  (Leader Quotes) I’m not an educated man. I only know what I’m told, and I’m not told that much; I have no frame of reference for how to place things in history be a responsible leader. All I can do is be an artist  (Leader Quotes) How can you motivate yourself to continue to follow a leader when he appears to be going around in circles?  (Leader Quotes) Great leaders, the research shows, are made as they gradually acquire, in the course of their lives and careers, the competencies that make them so effective. The competencies can be learned by any leader, at any point  (Leader Quotes) As a leader, the most important earthly relationship you can cultivate is your relationship with yourself  (Leader Quotes) When I see things, I speak my mind. But I’m a quiet leader, if anything  (Leader Quotes) When I hear a company is being run by a team, my heart sinks, because you need to have that leader with a vision and heart that can move things forward  (Leader Quotes) God didn’t make you a leader to respond to stuff all day. He made you a leader to move things forward  (Leader Quotes) Nixon is a strong leader with a good grasp of the world’s problems. He knows that the only way to argue with the communists is from a position of strength  (Leader Quotes) And the propensity of weak and empty people to follow a leader into the darkness from which there is no return is still flourishing, as ever  (Leader Quotes) The leader teaches more through being than through doing. The quality of one’s silence conveys more than long speeches  (Leader Quotes) The wise leader speaks rarely and briefly. After all, no other natural outpouring goes on and on. It rains and then it stops. It thunders and then it stops  (Leader Quotes) It is also the fate of leadership to be misunderstood. It is a grave error for any leader to be oversensitive in the face of criticism, to conduct discussions as if he or she is a schoolmaster talking to less informed and inexperienced learners  (Leader Quotes) A titled leader relies heavily on positional power to get things done; a natural leader is able to mobilize others without the whip of formal authority  (Leader Quotes) Today, no leader can afford to be indifferent to the challenge of engaging employees in the work of creating the future. Engagement may have been optional in the past, but its pretty much the whole game today  (Leader Quotes) A strong leader accepts blame and gives the credit. A weak leader gives blame and accepts the credit  (Leader Quotes) When the sun sets, life gets darker in the country; when a bad leader sinks, life gets brighter in the country!  (Leader Quotes) Feminists are now being vilified in politics, erdogan used to speak more embracingly, saying he was the leader of everyone, whether they voted for him or not. He sounds as if he puts a distance between himself and half the nation  (Leader Quotes) Your leadership development strategy is perfectly designed to produce the caliber of leader you currently have  (Leader Quotes) Your talent and giftedness as a leader have the potential to take you farther than your character can sustain you. That ought to scare you  (Leader Quotes) A person, who no matter how desperate the situation, gives others hope, is a true leader  (Leader Quotes) I think one of the keys to leadership is recognizing that everybody has gifts and talents. A good leader will learn how to harness those gifts toward the same goal  (Leader Quotes) If the leader is filled with high ambition and if he pursues his aims with audacity and strength of will, he will reach them in spite of all obstacles  (Leader Quotes) No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself or get all the credit for doing it  (Leader Quotes) People have said I’m the candidate of anger. Well, we have a right to be angry. We lost 3 million jobs. We lost our place as the moral leader of the world  (Leader Quotes) As a leader, you have to have the ability to assimilate new information and understand that there might be a different view  (Leader Quotes) I think that there is never an indispensable leader, you know? I think that there is a time with dignity that one needs to leave  (Leader Quotes) A political leader must keep looking over his shoulder all the time to see if the boys are still there. If they aren’t still there, hes no longer a political leader  (Leader Quotes) The problem is, we elected a manager and we need a leader. Let’s face it: Bush is just dim  (Leader Quotes)
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