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Leader Quotes

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Margaret Thatcher was a great leader for her nation at a pivotal and a perilous time. So, I find the comparison flattering, but that’s up to others to say whether that comparison is justified  (Leader Quotes) You need a strong, tough leader to restore America`s greatness. This is the best person to do that  (Leader Quotes) I believe that anybody with Mandela’s capacity to endure hardship and then forgive is a born leader and example to us all  (Leader Quotes) Hiring great people is almost the most important thing you can do as a leader because they enable you to scale, and they create better leverage for you and your time  (Leader Quotes) I think that the process of figuring out what kind of leader I wanted to be was challenging, because as an actor, you work alone, really  (Leader Quotes) People had so much respect for George Mitchell. They wanted to cooperate with him. I think that’s a hallmark of a very good leader  (Leader Quotes) It is the population which decides when it’s time for a leader to leave, not foreign powers  (Leader Quotes) It is better for a country to have a strong leader, this applies to the United States as well as to Rwanda  (Leader Quotes) [Martin Luther] King was one of the two young ministers - and you know how directly oriented the Negro community still is towards the minister as the leader  (Leader Quotes) Every leader needs to look back once in a while to make sure he has followers  (Leader Quotes) Chose the niche that you enjoy, where you can excel and stand a chance of becoming and acknowledged leader  (Leader Quotes) As a leader, if you spend the majority of your time measuring trust rather than building trust you have things backwards  (Leader Quotes) As a leader or simply dealing with people in general; life can be hard. Best way is to deal in the truth. It may hurt but it is never wrong!  (Leader Quotes) Being a good leader often means making the right decision instead of the comfortable one  (Leader Quotes) Any leader who doesn’t support the heart of evolving humanity is not a leader worthy of being followed  (Leader Quotes) The true measure of the value of any business leader and manager is performance  (Leader Quotes) No man is a leader until his appointment is ratified in the hearts and minds of his men  (Leader Quotes) As a leader, you’re supposed to be above reproach, and what that means is you can’t even give the appearance that you’re going to do something wrong  (Leader Quotes) As the leader, part of the job is to be visible and willing to communicate with everyone  (Leader Quotes) To make peace, one must be an uncompromising leader. To make peace, one must also embody compromise  (Leader Quotes) Being a strong woman leader means being respectful of everyone. It does not mean being tolerant of every behavior  (Leader Quotes) In the past a leader was a boss. Today’s leaders must be partners with their people... they no longer can lead solely based on positional power  (Leader Quotes) I decide on the basis of conscience. A genuine leader doesn’t reflect consensus, he molds consensus  (Leader Quotes) Being a team leader is simply: Giving total commitment to the team. Seeking commitment from each member. Holding each member accountable to that commitment  (Leader Quotes) The leader is one who, out of the clutter, brings simplicity... out of discord, harmony... and out of difficulty, opportunity  (Leader Quotes) I believe that in any initiative, you can’t have a flavor of the month. When you believe something is profound in a company, you can not be a logical leader. You have to go to the lunatic fringe. There is no way that logic is what you need to change people  (Leader Quotes) The President of the United States has super star status. He’s not a normal person, because he’s protected like no other person in the world and if this man’s life is in danger, the whole world is kind of in peril in a way, because the leader of the free world could fall into the hands of terrorists  (Leader Quotes) People are angry that things as common sense as securing the border and eliminating sanctuary cities are being framed as extreme views. They are tired of empty rhetoric without action, and they are hungry for a leader from outside the professional political class  (Leader Quotes) I have always been a leader on my team. I have always been a guy that held player-only meetings. I’m the type of guy that stood up and said something. I know how to lead  (Leader Quotes) There is no real magic to being a good leader. But at the end of every week, you have to spend your time around the things that are really important: setting priorities, measuring outcomes, and rewarding them  (Leader Quotes)
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