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Someone recently pointed out how much Barack Obama’s style and strategies resemble those of Latin American charismatic despots - the takeover of industries by demagogues who never ran a business, the rousing rhetoric of resentment addressed to the masses and the personal cult of the leader promoted by the media. But do we want to become the world’s largest banana republic?  (Leader Quotes) ...Had proven himself a leader of remarkable ability, a man not only of enterprising ideas, but with the staying power to carry them out  (Leader Quotes) As a world leader who refused to accept injustice, Nelson Mandela’s courage helped change our entire world  (Leader Quotes) To become a courageous leader, you must realize that accepting responsibility is not optional - it’s mandatory  (Leader Quotes) War never accomplishes anything. It’s never going to look good in the history books. People are never going to look back and think, ‘He started a lot of wars; what a great leader he was!’ That’s not the way it works. God knows how many more of these things we’re going to need before it starts to sink in  (Leader Quotes) The true measure of a successful leader is their ability to discover the hidden talent in those they lead and challenge them to achieve greatness. If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you are right  (Leader Quotes) Never try to be a thought leader. There’s no value in that. Instead, try to add value.  (Leader Quotes) Transforming a brand into a socially responsible leader doesn’t happen overnight by simply writing new marketing and advertising strategies. It takes effort to identify a vision that your customers will find credible and aligned with their values.  (Leader Quotes) I think the adoption rate with respect to social media and how companies leverage that varies by the company. Cisco is probably a leader in the space. A lot of times, we actually use virtual ways to communicate our brand and do some of our advertising, first on the social space, then we do on physical advertising.  (Leader Quotes) I don’t want to be a race-transcending leader. I want to be deeply understood as a man, as African- American, as a Christian, all that I am.  (Leader Quotes) Popular culture - above all rock ‘n’ roll, with its African-American R and B roots - did far more to radicalize us than did any feminist leader.  (Leader Quotes) I would love to be the African leader that steps down, that overthrows this idea of a Big Man ruler. I don’t want to stay in office forever.  (Leader Quotes) Nelson Mandela was an outstanding leader and a mentor for me. I was in South Africa at the time he was released. I was in South Africa when he was inaugurated as the first president.  (Leader Quotes) I am a leader, so leaders always get heat. They’re always going against the grain. Jimi Hendrix got heat; Bob Marley got heat; Miles Davis got heat. Every great artist got heat. Heat means you’re doing something right.  (Leader Quotes) If you’re a leader, people’s lives should be better because of the influence you’ve had along the way.  (Leader Quotes) As a citizen of the world, I stand only with Truth and my conscience is my only leader. This is the only way to peace and justice on earth. To always do the right thing, be the right person, and stand with whoever is right always and forever.  (Leader Quotes) I am sorry I couldn’t complete my term as leader. It is necessary for my staff to resign ... to regain the people’s trust.  (Leader Quotes) You know, you don’t need a leader to sort of administer something that’s going very well. In fact, in one sense, an overly ambitious person in that circumstance can probably screw it up.  (Leader Quotes) Americans think they’re the leader of the world and yet can say that they’re putting their economic interests ahead of the lives of - quite possibly - tens of millions of people who over the next 50 years will die because of floods or storms or tropical diseases or whatever. I guess that sort of thing makes me angry.  (Leader Quotes) Martin Luther King, Jr., would have been the last person to have wanted his iconization and his heroism. He was an enormously guilt-laden man. He was drenched in a sense of shame about his being featured as the preeminent leader of African-American culture and the civil rights movement.  (Leader Quotes) There are also fundamental issues related to what the current leader, President [Barack] Obama, said. I am referring to his idea about American exceptionalism. I am skeptical about this idea.  (Leader Quotes) I wrote and finished the script for ‘Man in the Middle’ two weeks after the September 11 bombing. It’s a very American film about an ex-diplomat based in the Middle East, a leader in the U.S. administration who now sells used cars in the Middle East.  (Leader Quotes) Senator majority leader, Mitch McConnell, slammed [Donald] Trump`s comments about burning the American flag which is protected under the first amendment should lead to jail time.  (Leader Quotes) The American people want change, and they see in Donald Trump a leader who embodies the American spirit.  (Leader Quotes) Leaders cannot work in a vacuum. They may take on larger, seemingly more important roles in an organization, but this does not exclude them from asking for and using feedback. In fact, a leader arguably needs feedback more so than anyone else. It’s what helps a leader respond appropriately to events in pursuit of successful outcomes.  (Leader Quotes) Pride, anger and hatred are fruits from the same garden that poison the world when ripe. A leader cultivates no such fruits.  (Leader Quotes) There’s no doubt who was a leader in space after the Apollo Program. Nobody came close to us. And our education system, in science, technology, engineering and math, was at the top of the world. It’s no longer there. We’re descending rather rapidly.  (Leader Quotes) On Apple’s special store for the Chinese market, apps related to the Dalai Lama are censored, as is one containing information about the exiled Uighur dissident leader Rebiya Kadeer. Apple similarly censors apps for iPads sold in China.  (Leader Quotes) When you can inspire others to dream, learn, evolve, and become one that they can appreciate and respect themselves; then you have arrived as a leader.  (Leader Quotes) A political leader is necessarily an imposter since he believes in solving life’s problems without asking its question.  (Leader Quotes)
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