Leader Quotes

Text Quotes
Every Muslim leader must unequivocally proclaim that terror committed in the name of Islam violates the core tenets of the Prophet Mohammed, and they must do so repeatedly. Period. (Leader Quotes)
As a leader, you’re probably not doing a good job unless your employees can do a good impression of you when you’re not around. (Leader Quotes)
My mother was a dominant force in our family. And I always saw her as the leader. And that was great for me as a young woman, because I never saw that women had to be dominated by men. (Leader Quotes)
I always said that I want to write a book about success and my story and my brand and everything that goes with it, as a woman, as a leader, as someone who has stepped up to the plate and who opens the door for the rest of the women from the Middle East. (Leader Quotes)
I am endlessly fascinated that playing football is considered a training ground for leadership, but raising children isn’t. Hey, it made me a better leader: you have to take a lot of people’s needs into account; you have to look down the road. Trying to negotiate getting a couple of kids to watch the same TV show requires serious diplomacy. (Leader Quotes)
Leaders goal: Understand the power of serving a leader further down the road than you because leadership is contagious. (Leader Quotes)
Growing other leaders from the ranks isn’t just the duty of the leader, it’s an obligation (Leader Quotes)
A great leader fights with great adversity, suffers greatly, but courageously, and never forget to help others is his ultimate duty. (Leader Quotes)
Unlike any other leader in modern American history, we are led today by a president that has decided to pit Americans against each other. (Leader Quotes)
It has been my privilege on various occasions to converse with presidents of the United States and important men in other governments. At the close of each such occasion, I have reflected on the rewarding experience of standing with confidence in the presence of an acknowledged leader. (Leader Quotes)
I am not the first Buddha who came upon Earth, nor shall I be the last. In due time, another Buddha will arise in the world - a Holy One, a supremely enlightened One, endowed with wisdom in conduct, auspicious, knowing the universe, an incomparable leader of men, a master of angels and mortals. (Leader Quotes)
The election of Shinzo Abe as the leader of Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic party and now prime minister will have profound repercussions for Japan and East Asia. Most western commentary during the premiership of Junichiro Koizumi has been concerned with the extent to which Japan has allowed a freer rein to market forces. (Leader Quotes)
If subordinates, or people in general, know that they genuinely have easy access to their leader, they’ll tend to view the leader in a more positive, trustworthy light. (Leader Quotes)
We need a positive economic agenda that invests in the innovation and growth that will create jobs for middle class families and ensure that America remains the world leader. (Leader Quotes)
If we are to maintain our position as a global economic leader, we’ve got to end the govern-by-crisis mentality that sets us back instead of moving us forward. (Leader Quotes)
The economic freedom that made the U.S. economy the leader of the world has given way toa rigged, controlled, and regulated economy. (Leader Quotes)
The situation in Iraq and the reckless economic policies in the United States speak to one issue for me, and that is the competence of our leader, (Leader Quotes)
A leader has to know how the system functions - not just the system of government but the whole social and economic system, including business, the unions, and the universities. (Leader Quotes)
If we are to remain preeminent in transforming knowledge into economic value, America’s system of higher education must remain the world’s leader in generating scientific and technological breakthrough, and in meeting the challenge to educate workers. (Leader Quotes)
I’ve been a very effective leader in the gay rights movement, though at times I’ve been controversial. (Leader Quotes)
To be an effective leader, you have to have a manipulative streak - you have to figure out the people working for you and give each tasks that will take advantage of his strength. (Leader Quotes)
It has been well said that an effective leader must know the meaning and master the technique of the educator. (Leader Quotes)
An effective leader develops the ability to correctly identify the pertinent detail or details - incidentals in a market, industry or sport that might create an incremental advantage. (Leader Quotes)
Being an effective leader is enormously complex. It requires vision to see a future, dedication to make things happen, sensitivity to people who are quirky at times, and personal confidence without arrogance. (Leader Quotes)
The combined entity Youku Tudou Inc. represents a dominant leader in online video sector in China with the largest user base, most comprehensive content library, most advanced bandwidth infrastructure, and most effective monetization capability. (Leader Quotes)
If you increase your success by even a mere 10 percent, you have become 10 percent more effective as a leader than you were before. (Leader Quotes)
‘Come on, guys, I’m the leader of a whole movie...!’ I tell when I want people to fear and respect me. Not wildly effective. (Leader Quotes)
No one could become an efficient leader or take the initiative in any great undertaking without belief in himself. (Leader Quotes)
The key to becoming a more efficient leader isn’t checking off all the items on your to-do list each day. It’s in forming the habit of prioritizing your time so that you are accomplishing your most important goals in an efficient manner. (Leader Quotes)
A young child is a leader to an elderly person once his purpose has a faithful, sincere and trustworthy influence on people. Leadership is not restricted to position and age; it is self-made and influencial. Everyone has this self-leadership quality. (Leader Quotes)