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The American public should simply accept no distractions. In our democracy, it is our duty to hold our elected leaders accountable. We do it at the ballot box.  (Leaders Quotes) President Obama met with leaders of the American Indian tribes and they honored the president by giving him his own Indian name: Running Deficits.  (Leaders Quotes) There is no ‘slippery slope’ toward loss of liberty, only a long staircase where each step down must first be tolerated by the American people and their leaders.  (Leaders Quotes) In early 1961 a new president, John F. Kennedy, was told by military leaders and civilian officials that the Kingdom of Laos - of no conceivable strategic importance to the U.S. - required the presence of American troops and perhaps even tactical nuclear weapons. Why? Because if Laos fell, Asia would go red from Thailand to Indonesia.  (Leaders Quotes) American women were frustrated in just the role of housewife - but they also managed to enlarge it. And they weren’t just housewives, they were community leaders.  (Leaders Quotes) I’ve never isolated role models based on gender. I have more male role models due to the mere fact that I’ve done business with more of them and they’re leaders within the verticals I work. Of those, Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos.com, is an entrepreneur and personal friend that I have a great deal of respect for.  (Leaders Quotes) I pray that politicians, lawmakers and religious leaders have the courage to support the choices terminally ill citizens make in departing Mother Earth with dignity and love.  (Leaders Quotes) Leaders cannot work in a vacuum. They may take on larger, seemingly more important roles in an organization, but this does not exclude them from asking for and using feedback. In fact, a leader arguably needs feedback more so than anyone else. It’s what helps a leader respond appropriately to events in pursuit of successful outcomes.  (Leaders Quotes) Violence begets violence, and then you get leaders who are violent men. And you don’t want that.  (Leaders Quotes) Leaders are for calling people to their better angels, for helping guide them to a kind of sterner, more mature sense of what we need to do. To me, Reagan’s brand of leadership was what I call ‘a liturgy of absolution.’ He absolved Americans almost in a priestly role to contend with sin. Who wouldn’t want that?  (Leaders Quotes) Relationships based on deals between leaders or ruling elites tend to collapse amid popular anger  (Leaders Quotes) If you can’t toot your own horn, toot another woman’s! It’s the best way to elevate women to be leaders.  (Leaders Quotes) I believe leaders should be questioning machine, rather than an answering machine  (Leaders Quotes) As with Randall Terry and other anti-abortion leaders, women simply did not figure into [Roeder’s] equations. If all the abortion providers were dead, the problem would be solved, and he’d never have to think about those who sought to end their pregnancies through illegal or dangerous means.  (Leaders Quotes) When political leaders fail to denounce anti-Semitic violence and slurs, the void is not only demoralizing to the victims, but silence actually enables the wrongdoing. Silence by elected officials in particular conveys approval - or at least acquiescence - and can contribute to a climate of fear and a sense of vulnerability.  (Leaders Quotes) I don’t agree with everything that any of our political leaders say or believe - that’s going to happen sometimes.  (Leaders Quotes) Where are the Muslim people’s sponsors? Where are its kings? Where are its leaders? The Muslim people is calling upon you, Jerusalem is appealing to you, will anyone answer?  (Leaders Quotes) In working with top leaders and thought philosophers of our time, I will tell you that among their secrets of success is a regular practice of acknowledging and appreciating what they have. It can offer an oracle into the future because it not only tells you where you are, but it also helps clarify where you want to go in life.  (Leaders Quotes) I don’t think people are skeptical. I think people appreciate the authenticity, actually. I think people are looking for authentic leaders these days and being yourself.  (Leaders Quotes) Personally, I’d like to see more of our leaders take a technocratic approach to solving our biggest problems.  (Leaders Quotes) The Arab spring was not as radical as the French or Iranian revolutions. It did not pull out the deeply entrenched roots of the state. Instead, it was satisfied to replace the top of the pyramid with newly elected, but inexperienced, leaders.  (Leaders Quotes) We prefer that the leaders of the Iraqi armed forces do the honorable thing; stop fighting for a regime that does not deserve your loyalty.  (Leaders Quotes) In the army, we do two things every day. We train our soldiers, and then we grow them into leaders, because frankly, we don’t hire out. We grow our own leaders.  (Leaders Quotes) Everywhere I go I find that people... both leaders and individuals... are asking one basic question, ‘Is there any hope for the future?’ My answer is the same, ‘Yes, through Jesus Christ.’  (Leaders Quotes) The American people don’t believe politicians. They don’t believe business leaders or Hollywood celebrities or athletes or other supposed role models. And they certainly don’t believe the news media.  (Leaders Quotes) Great leaders understand that the right attitude will set the right atmosphere, which enables the right response from others.  (Leaders Quotes) Texans don’t want to sit back and watch Austin turn into Washington, D.C. State leaders in power keep forcing people to opposite corners to prepare for a fight instead of coming together to get things done.  (Leaders Quotes) Average leaders inspire people to punch a time clock. Great leaders inspire industry and passion.  (Leaders Quotes) I am always revolted when Islamic leaders, from Afghanistan or elsewhere, deny the very existence of female oppression, avoid the issue by pointing to examples of what they view as Western mistreatment of women, or even worse, justify the oppression of women on the basis of notions derived from Sharia law.  (Leaders Quotes) When a government goes to war, particularly a democracy, it is the most solemn and awesome responsibility of our leaders - to decide to send our kids to go off and kill and die for us.  (Leaders Quotes)
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