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About 3 million IVF babies have been born since Louise Brown’s birth in 1978. Bizarrely, when this life-giving treatment was first considered, it was massively controversial. A storm of vitriolic protest came from many religious leaders, journalists, politicians, regrettably even other scientists and doctors.  (Leaders Quotes) Everyone matures. When I was Newt’s age, I thought I had the right answer to things. The baby-boomers as political leaders are still on trial by the American people.  (Leaders Quotes) The Muslim leaders swallow the advice of the Western powers and bodies like the IMF and World Bank, even when it is bad for their countries and they know this.  (Leaders Quotes) Leaders build the future with clays of the past. Every good moment gives them ideas; every bad moment gives them lessons.  (Leaders Quotes) A leader’s job is to develop committed followers. Bad leaders destroy their followers’ sense of commitment.  (Leaders Quotes) Treating people fairly and with civility is not a bad thing... It would be good for our country if political leaders actually took that to heart.  (Leaders Quotes) When you go into your customary barber shop, you will wait for the man who gives you a little better shave, a little trimmer hair-cut. Business leaders are looking for the same things in their offices that you look for in the barber shop.  (Leaders Quotes) Professional societies are sooner or later fractured by the ego of their leaders. Everyone wants to be president, chairman, CEO; no one wants to be a mere follower.  (Leaders Quotes) There are two kinds of people. There are leaders and there are followers. And I’m a follower.  (Leaders Quotes) If I can inspire some leaders, that would be great. I don’t know if I want to be a leader.  (Leaders Quotes) In the past a leader was a boss. Today’s leaders must be partners with their people... they no longer can lead solely based on positional power.  (Leaders Quotes) Leaders who keep promises and followers who respond in kind create an opportunity generate enormous energy around their commitment to serve others.  (Leaders Quotes) The leaders who we admire who have been able to bring great change in the past - Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela - they’re all inspirational religious leaders and smart tacticians. It would be nice to find the Muslim Gandhi, wouldn’t it?  (Leaders Quotes) It is now, more than ever, necessary that political leaders be outstanding for honesty, integrity and commitment to the common good.  (Leaders Quotes) Technology may be traditionally perceived as a male-dominated industry, but it won’t always be that way. Every day we see more and more powerful women leaders boasting outstanding achievements.  (Leaders Quotes) Outstanding leaders have a sense of mission, a belief in themselves and the value of their work  (Leaders Quotes) You want to believe in leaders, really believe in leaders. You want what they are saying to be truthful, and you want to trust them.  (Leaders Quotes) You can’t be a major company today without paying attention to celebrities. They are the leaders in beauty and fashion.  (Leaders Quotes) The fastest way to change the feedback culture in an organization is for the leaders to become better receivers.  (Leaders Quotes) The world has 6 billion people and counting. We need to help 500 million people become better leaders so that billions can benefit.  (Leaders Quotes) There are leaders vocally, and there are leaders by example. I think I’m starting to become better at being a leader vocally, just talking on the court.  (Leaders Quotes) The matter of bringing in corrupt leaders was started by [Mwai ] Kibaki, and in truth, do not be surprised if you find that the likes of William Ruto find themselves behind bars after the elections, because he has cases pending against him.  (Leaders Quotes) Only a few good leaders have paused to reflect seriously on being leaders  (Leaders Quotes) Being a leader gives you charisma. If you look and study the leaders who have succeeded, that’s where charisma comes from, from the leading.  (Leaders Quotes) Most people think of leaders as being these outgoing, very visible, and charismatic people, which I find to be a very narrow perception. The key challenge for managers today is to get beyond the surface of your colleagues. You might just find that you have introverts embedded within your organization who are natural-born leaders.  (Leaders Quotes) He who cannot serve cannot lead. It is by being a servant that you recognize that followers also have needs. True leaders are service oriented!  (Leaders Quotes) Our pride is tied up in being right. We tend to favor data that confirm our beliefs, so we don’t see alternatives. Too often, leaders practice defense routines that become self-reinforcing.  (Leaders Quotes) Kids raised to be pampered and spoiled don’t really end up being good leaders. Leaders need to be independent minded and confident.  (Leaders Quotes) People might consider you eccentric for being different, but this is good. Leaders and visionaries are not conformists afraid of standing out.  (Leaders Quotes) The number of CEOs voluntarily leaving their jobs or being forced out spiked early. Many of those companies will be turning to an interim CEO to take the reins. These temporary leaders are increasingly in demand, according to those who watch corner office trends.  (Leaders Quotes)
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