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Leaders Quotes

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The religious leader is the most untrustworthy of leaders; in no other station do we have so many opportunities for pride, covetousness and lust, and with so many excellent disguises to keep such ignobility from being found out and called to account.  (Leaders Quotes) Everybody is full of crap. The coin of the realm is being full of crap. The best people - being full of crap are our leaders and our superstars.  (Leaders Quotes) If the world’s leaders are serious about improving collective well-being, we’d better get serious about prioritizing education in our nations and in our global discussion.  (Leaders Quotes) Our world is very dishonest, and our leaders encourage dishonesty by setting bad examples - by lying, being corrupt, and using political sleight of hand to sustain power.  (Leaders Quotes) Once your leaders get corrupted one way or another, it’s hard to stop the organization from being corrupted.  (Leaders Quotes) Vietnam was an exercise in mistaken idealism Iraq in cynical money-making. And there’s no optimism or idealism now -- Americans are tired of knowledge. Our leaders, the C-students from Yale, know this. We’re proud of being ignorant that leaves virtue at our core. We aren’t frazzled by knowledge like foreigners, so we can be trusted.  (Leaders Quotes) There’s so many lies being told throughout the media and people just run with the lies. They’re numb to it. Too many followers, not enough leaders.  (Leaders Quotes) Sometimes it seems like most people are being pulled into a negative energy, but then you meet strong individuals or strong leaders and they are free from it.  (Leaders Quotes) The Senate was an odd compromise between the founders and the early leaders of the republic who wanted a single house which was based on popular sovereignty representing the people and those founders who wanted two houses, the upper house, the Senate, being the more aristocratic.  (Leaders Quotes) I believe it’s our loss of connection with our instinctual side that prevents us from being effective pack leaders for our dogs. Perhaps it’s also why we also seem to be failing at being positive guardians of our planet.  (Leaders Quotes) Great leaders have to know when to divide that line from being selfless to being selfish, and he perfectly chose the time to be selfish and made plays.  (Leaders Quotes) Leaders: Your job in the future is to create a space where others feel save being vulnerable. Where fears and failures are openly discussed and used as lessons moving forward.  (Leaders Quotes) Leaders exude courage by sacrificing their popularity for their values and beliefs  (Leaders Quotes) Leaders are people who believe so passionately that they can seduce other people into sharing their dream.  (Leaders Quotes) The founding leaders of our country believed in a three-part sharing of governmental power, with each branch jealously watching the actions of the other two.  (Leaders Quotes) Texans deserve better than failed leaders who dole out favors to friends and cronies behind closed doors. It’s time for a governor who believes that you don’t have to buy a place in Texas’ future. It’s time for a governor who believes that the future of Texas belongs to all of us.  (Leaders Quotes) The best leaders are apt to be found among those executives who have a strong component of unorthodoxy in their character. Instead of resisting innovation, they symbolize it.  (Leaders Quotes) If longevity is the best index to measure a company, a basic requirement is the ability of the corporation to generate new and new leaders.  (Leaders Quotes) Often leaders have the best intentions, but people cannot read their minds. That’s why it’s important to declare yourself: Tell people why you choose to lead and the code you live by.  (Leaders Quotes) Teamwork is the best ever investment. If I make 3 and you make 5, together we will not make 8. We will make 15. Leaders build active teams!  (Leaders Quotes) When faced with a challenging or difficult situation, the best leaders most often respond with courage; less mature leaders, or nonleaders often choose another path-a path with less risk, less conflict, and less personal discomfort.  (Leaders Quotes) I think that former leaders are best seen occasionally and not too often heard - particularly on the subject of their successors!  (Leaders Quotes) Learning options will indeed mushroom for business students and leaders, but it will take prudence and shrewdness to find and utilize the best option.  (Leaders Quotes) The idea that Arabia is best run by Arabs is no more palatable to Western leaders today than it was to Napoleon or Churchill.  (Leaders Quotes) The best leaders operate in four dimensions: vision, reality, ethics, and courage  (Leaders Quotes) The best leaders are humble enough to realize their victories depend upon their people  (Leaders Quotes) Leaders come in two flavors, expanders and containers. The best leadership teams have a mix of both.  (Leaders Quotes) The best leaders try to train their followers themselves to become leaders. ... they wish to be leaders of leaders.  (Leaders Quotes) Most leaders are trying to figure out the right strategy. The best leaders are obsessed with empowering the right people.  (Leaders Quotes) Flowers flourish when they’re watered, and shrivel up when they’re not. People are no different. The best leaders are the ones who look for the best in people.  (Leaders Quotes)
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