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We do hereby command the Leaders of the Hebrew, Catholic and Protestant Churches to sanctify and have us crowned Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico.  (Leaders Quotes) I will go where the Lord and the leaders of His Church want me to go, I will do what they want me to do, I will teach what they want me to teach, and I will strive to become what I should and must become.  (Leaders Quotes) The state can be a force for good. The Rule of law is absolutely essential to a good life. God has instituted government and leaders throughout history and throughout the Biblical narrative. However, the state is growing precisely as the church is fading as a force for good, and this does not seem to be a good trend.  (Leaders Quotes) Something I’ve noticed. Church planters don’t pray for revival. They pray for opportunity, favor with the unchurched and leaders.  (Leaders Quotes) The church that can’t worship must be entertained. And leaders who can’t lead a church to worship must provide the entertainment.  (Leaders Quotes) I want a church I can stay in for years. I don’t want surprises, scandals, or secrets from my church leaders.  (Leaders Quotes) Church must lead all other spheres of influence.We find people from all the mountains there.The church leaders must be able to mentor them  (Leaders Quotes) Church leaders raised on rationalism lead ministries where the supernatural, the Vertical, is suppressed and where God Himself is at best an observer and certainly seldom, if ever, and obvious participant in church.  (Leaders Quotes) I’m not an expert in the sociological realities of all the pastors in the world, but I would say that there are some very, very positive things about the state of integrity in church leaders.  (Leaders Quotes) Decide the friends, mentors and leaders you want in your life, in your inner circle, and court them with emotional generosity. Make it matter.  (Leaders Quotes) Marines and soldiers don’t issue themselves orders; they don’t send themselves overseas. United States citizens elect the leaders who send us overseas.  (Leaders Quotes) I’ve been talking to people all over the country, city council members, grassroots leaders, party leaders, members in Congress - and you know what? The truth is I’ll have something to say real soon.  (Leaders Quotes) Every country that aspires to become a nation needs its heroes, its eminent civic and moral leaders, and if it doesn’t have them, it’s our duty to invent them.  (Leaders Quotes) Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of leaders . . . . and millions have been killed because of this obedience . . . .  (Leaders Quotes) I don’t think that anyone has been really created more by the white press than the civil right leaders.  (Leaders Quotes) Civil rights leaders are involved in helping poor people. That’s what I’ve been doing all my life.  (Leaders Quotes) Missing from the national conversation are voices of pro-immigration reformers and civil rights leaders, who can speak on behalf of those who have no voice.  (Leaders Quotes) Socialism would gather all power to the supreme party and party leaders, rising like stately pinnacles above their vast bureaucracies of civil servants no longer servants, no longer civil.  (Leaders Quotes) Women hold up more than half the sky and represent much of the world’s unrealized potential. They are the educators. They raise the children. They hold families together and increasingly drive economies. They are natural leaders. We need their full engagement... in government, business and civil society.  (Leaders Quotes) A great deal of stupidity has chipped away at the massive advantages of Western civilization, which could terminally decline if it remains on the current path. But these problems can be solved - and swiftly - if the right leaders emerge.  (Leaders Quotes) In the depth of the near depression, that he faced when he came in, Barack Obama and Democratic leaders in Congress provided ‘recovery funds’ that literally kept our classrooms open. Two years ago, these funds saved nearly 20,000 teacher and education jobs - just here in North Carolina.  (Leaders Quotes) Electing clean-energy leaders into the Senate, the House, and the Oval Office - and getting it done in the next few years - is the only real solution to climate stabilization at acceptable levels.  (Leaders Quotes) Leaders set a very clear path every day, in a thousand different ways, of what the people must attend to, inhibit, and keep it current in front of them.  (Leaders Quotes) If you fall into a pit, you need a ladder, not a hoe. You must climb up and not dig up. Leaders discover the right way out of limitations.  (Leaders Quotes) Courage promotes leaders; fear demotes them. Most people who have difficulties climbing up success ladders are fans of fear.  (Leaders Quotes) I started out in a professional choir at 13 years old. We traveled to different places, and I had a close relationship with the leaders of our choir. We were recording when I was 15, so it wasn’t like I had to wait until 25 to find out certain things.  (Leaders Quotes) The leaders of the empire, the imperial mafia-George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Cheney, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, et al. ... are as fanatic and as fundamentalist as Osama bin Laden.  (Leaders Quotes) Many of our nation’s great leaders began their careers at a service academy. I encourage anyone interested in a rewarding college experience or military career to apply as soon as possible.  (Leaders Quotes) Teach for America recruits top recent college grads, young professionals, people we believe are the U.S.’s most promising future leaders, and asks them to commit two years to teach in high-need urban and rural communities.  (Leaders Quotes) Community colleges are popular among political leaders of both parties. But because of the lack of funding and a lack of direction, they have lost their critical edge in preparing workers for a 21st-century economy.  (Leaders Quotes)
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