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Leaders Quotes

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A hallmark of high performance leaders is the ability to influence others through all levels and types of communication, from simple interactions to difficult conversations and more complex conflicts, in order to achieve greater team and organizational alignment. High performing leaders are able to unite diverse team members by building common goals and even shared emotions by engaging in powerful and effective dialogue.  (Leaders Quotes) The common goal of leaders is to increase the value and productivity of people. Leaders inspire others to do better than they would have done when not inspired.  (Leaders Quotes) Though leadership may be hard to define, the one characteristic common to all leaders is the ability to make things happen.  (Leaders Quotes) Great communication, Character, Competitive drive, Consistency, Compassion, Confidence -- skills successful leaders share.  (Leaders Quotes) I believe that the Tibetans should have the right to control their own destinies and decide for themselves whether they want to be part of China or not. But this view isn’t shared by most Chinese, or even the leaders of most Western democracies. As long as the Communist Party is in power, there is little hope for Tibet.  (Leaders Quotes) The Time to Succeed Coalition brings together an unprecedented group of leaders from education and business, communities and academia to say that it is time to strike the shackles of an outdated school calendar from our disadvantaged schools.  (Leaders Quotes) The Gulf Waterkeepers are our first line of defense against the BP oil disaster. Their incredible knowledge of the marshes, wetlands, beaches and inner-coastal waters make them invaluable first responders. Their commitment makes them critical and effective community leaders.  (Leaders Quotes) I’m confident that the commitment of the co-chairs of the Ferguson Commission - along with the work of other local leaders and the Missouri General Assembly - will have a very positive impact as this community works to move forward.  (Leaders Quotes) As we continue to make great progress in the war on terror, now more than ever, it is important that members of the international community stand-by and bolster the efforts of the emerging diplomatic leaders in Iraq and Afghanistan.  (Leaders Quotes) Most pastors railing against gay marriage have never cried out on racism, any type of injustice or police brutality. They’ve never once made a statement about health care. Many of them are silent on community issues. They are very silent, but they have become the leaders of this particular movement.  (Leaders Quotes) By and large we have got to find the good leaders to work with to make sure that we build the strength in these communities. Simply issuing edicts from Canberra isn’t going to solve issues on the APY lands.  (Leaders Quotes) Women are not just victims; they are survivors and leaders on the community-level backlines of peace and stability.  (Leaders Quotes) Rural Americans want leaders who help middle-class communities to plan and prosper over the long-term - not opportunists who reap the rewards for themselves, leaving nothing for the people who do the sowing.  (Leaders Quotes) Great leaders help their people see how they can directly impact the company’s objectives and their own personal goals.  (Leaders Quotes) Now, national conventions are largely an excuse for companies and party leaders to throw parties for delegates to attend, to network and have a good time.  (Leaders Quotes) In the 1970s, New York City avoided bankruptcy because wise political leaders like Gov. Hugh L. Carey believed both in strong labor unions and robust banks and companies.  (Leaders Quotes) Only Jesus has prophecies made hundreds of years in advance made literally true. Only He did miracles; only His immediate followers claimed He died and rose from the dead, so in comparison, He comes out superior to other great religious leaders.  (Leaders Quotes) Us reaching the moon convinced Gorbachev and other leaders that the Soviet Union couldn’t compete with the U.S., so they revised their agenda. But people have short memories.  (Leaders Quotes) International politics is no longer a zero-sum game but a multi-dimensional arena where cooperation and competition often occur simultaneously. Gone is the age of blood feuds. World leaders are expected to lead in turning threats into opportunities.  (Leaders Quotes) I will keep a substantial long exposure to gold -- which serves as a Jelly Donut antidote for my portfolio. While I’d love for our leaders to adopt sensible policies that would reduce the tail risks so that I could sell our gold, one nice thing about gold is that it doesn’t even have quarterly conference calls.  (Leaders Quotes) Quality effective leaders have the confidence to trust others to try, succeed, and sometimes to fail.  (Leaders Quotes) I trust Canadians to be able to look at the different parties, the different leaders, the plans, the teams, and make a responsible choice. And I’m very, very confident that’s exactly what Canadians are going to do.  (Leaders Quotes) That Sinn Fein, as I’ve already indicated, their leaders have already indicated that’s what they want to achieve - once we get that credible statement, then we can get around the table and start to move forward, and I’m confident we can do so.  (Leaders Quotes) It remains to be seen whether the more optimistic scenario for Sino-American relations can be realised. Much rests on the shoulders of the two leaders: Obama on this score has so far been disappointing; the early signs are that Xi is a highly confident leader who thinks big.  (Leaders Quotes) It is our duty as states, citizens, and industry leaders to make the energy transition a reality with the ultimate aim of reconciling two major priorities: to meet ever-increasing demand and to confront the complex issue of climate change.  (Leaders Quotes) The highest form of leadership is one in which a leader raises up other leaders - not as an accident, but as a result of conscious effort.  (Leaders Quotes) Great leaders inspire. They maintain a hopeful attitude, even in the face of discouraging setbacks, constant criticism and abundant opposition. People don’t follow discouraged leaders. They follow those who persist with hope.  (Leaders Quotes) Good leaders must communicate vision clearly, creatively, and continually. However, the vision doesn’t come alive until the leader models it.  (Leaders Quotes) Highly successful leaders ignore conventional wisdom and take chances. Their stories inevitably include a defining moment or key decision when they took a significant risk and thereby experienced a breakthrough.  (Leaders Quotes) Most people that derail as leaders in the corporate world, it’s not because they couldn’t do the math and calculate return on investment properly. The issues are communication and understanding. All of what typically would’ve been called the ‘soft stuff.’ You have to be authentic. You have to be dialed into the soft stuff.  (Leaders Quotes)
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