Leaders Quotes

Text Quotes
It is standard practice for corrupt leaders who are seeking a certain political outcome to hype or manipulate a terror threat or a threat of violent domestic subversion. While sometimes the threat is manufactured, frequently the hyped threat is based on a real danger. (Leaders Quotes)
I think there is a case for strong action and intervention when there is criminality and when the leaders are corrupt or behaving in a criminal fashion. (Leaders Quotes)
U.S. failures when it comes to the Gulf of Guinea are many: a failure to address the longstanding concerns of a government watchdog agency, a failure to effectively combat piracy despite an outlay of tens of millions of taxpayer dollars, and a failure to confront corrupt African leaders who enable piracy in the first place. (Leaders Quotes)
There is a cottage industry of these Muslim bashers who are training law enforcement personnel, military personnel... and you are breeding a generation of leaders in our society who have this suspicion of Islam and hostility towards American Muslims and Muslims in general. The intention of these trainers is to demonise Islam and to marginalise American Muslims. (Leaders Quotes)
In order to restore our country to the principles on which it was founded, we need to elect leaders that believe in the principles of the party, not just the power of the party. (Leaders Quotes)
I am struck that so many of our leaders in the U.S. forget how strong our country can be. (Leaders Quotes)
Leaders encourage others to continue the quest and inspire others through courage and hope. Leaders give heart by visibly recognizing others’ contributions to the common vision. With a thank you note, a smile, an award, and public praise, the leader lets others know how much they mean to the organization. (Leaders Quotes)
Where will our country find leaders with integrity, courage, strength-all the family values-in ten, twenty, or thirty years? The answer is that you are teaching them, loving them, and raising them right now. (Leaders Quotes)
The pact creating a North American free-trade zone was President Bill Clinton’s signature accomplishment; but NAFTA is also the bugaboo of union leaders, grassroots activists and Midwesterners who blame free trade for the factory closings they see in their hometowns. (Leaders Quotes)
The modern Middle East was largely created by the British. It was they who carried the Allied war effort in the region during World War I and who, at its close, principally fashioned its peace. It was a peace presaged by the nickname given the region by covetous British leaders in wartime: ‘The Great Loot.’ (Leaders Quotes)
American special relationships with Israel and Saudi Arabia blind us to their dreadful encroachments on human rights, as well as confer impunity on their leaders with respect to accountability for crimes against humanity. (Leaders Quotes)
Leaders create influence with the clays of criticism others throw at them. They don’t take offence; they take corrections. (Leaders Quotes)
It is possible for leaders or regimes to be cruel, bigoted, twisted in their world views and still make rational calculations with respect to their limits and their self-preservation. (Leaders Quotes)
Six Sigma is a quality program that, when all is said and done, improves your customers’ experience, lowers your costs, and builds better leaders. (Leaders Quotes)
Our political leaders must be honest and forthcoming with data that will allow citizens to use facts and figures to judge for themselves what state Social Security is in. (Leaders Quotes)
I am prepared to admit that when it comes to dealing with the House and Senate leaders, Obama is terrible. But he’s great with the public. Which hates the House and Senate as much as he does. (Leaders Quotes)
Conservatives are telling elected leaders that expansion of Medicaid comes at a moral - or more overtly, a political - price. At what price are they willing to go back on years of proclaiming ‘socialized medicine’ as the slippery slope to ‘rationing of health care,’ ‘death panels’ and other claims far too gruesome to mention in polite company? (Leaders Quotes)
Obviously, the death of Usama Bin Laden marked a strategic milestone in our effort to defeat al-Qa’ida. Unfortunately, Bin Laden’s death, and the death and capture of many other al-Qa’ida leaders and operatives, does not mark the end of that terrorist organization or its efforts to attack the United States and other countries. (Leaders Quotes)
Movies such as ‘Mr. Smith Goes to Washington’ in 1939 to ‘Dave’ in 1993 portray Washington leaders as the ultimate Everymen - decent people just like you and me, only thrust onto greatness. (Leaders Quotes)
Using cold facts and figures, leaders throughout the West must become more transparent with their citizens in explaining their decisions and their choices in global markets. (Leaders Quotes)
Our [American] leaders are so socialized as to address militarized threats by acting on the basis of a militarized mentality that the deep roots of problems are ignored. (Leaders Quotes)
It is my view that it is a big embarrassment for Africa . It is hypocritical for African leaders to talk about democracy and human rights and to be silent when these things are happening in Zimbabwe . (Leaders Quotes)
Democracy is not just voting for your leaders; it’s really premised upon ordinary citizens understanding the issues. (Leaders Quotes)
I absolutely intend to return every penny given to me by my Democratic colleagues and Democratic leaders. (Leaders Quotes)
Apparently there are some Democratic leaders in the Senate that are running for office who now believe in tax cuts. (Leaders Quotes)
Russia’s inclination toward authoritarianism undoubtedly strengthened the leaders in Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Kazakhstan, as they are afraid of normal democratic procedures. (Leaders Quotes)
We deserve leaders who stand for principle, who unite us all behind shared values, who cast aside anger for love. That is the standard we should expect from everybody. (Leaders Quotes)
The American people deserve to know that their elected leaders play by the exact same rules that they play by and that their lawmakers’ only interest is what’s best for the country, not their own financial gain. (Leaders Quotes)
Ultimately, auto designers need to overcome market challenges with innovative design solutions. The automotive industry is at a turning point with environmental and economic conditions on one side and breakthrough technology on the other, so it will be fascinating to see how these design leaders envision the future. (Leaders Quotes)
Positional leaders ignore the fact that every person has hopes, dreams, desires, and goals of his own. And leaders must bring their vision and the aspirations of the people they lead together in a way that benefits everyone. (Leaders Quotes)