Leaders Quotes

Text Quotes
This is the way I think about politics: We want two diametrically opposed things from a politician. On one hand we want them to be bastions of moral integrity, perfect people, saints. And on the other hand, we want them to be effective leaders. (Leaders Quotes)
There is no more effective way to radicalize American Muslim youth than for political leaders to make public displays of prejudice against all Muslims. Suspicion will undermine their sense of identification with America and alienate some from both the culture and from politics. (Leaders Quotes)
As leaders, we become whole when we see that our focused, singular commitment to making the numbers and the metrics cannot be effective on its own, but only when it is part of the whole picture - only when we see that it takes more than metrics to make up the whole. (Leaders Quotes)
I often say that leadership is deeply personal and inherently collective. That’s a paradox that effective leaders have to embrace. (Leaders Quotes)
While leaders spend considerable time and effort trying to envision markets and pushing out innovation, empathy can often generate simple, yet breakthrough ideas. (Leaders Quotes)
Obama was late to affirm the Egyptian revolution as a democratic movement, and even then he was eager to have installed those military leaders who were known for their practices of torture. (Leaders Quotes)
When women were excluded from New Deal programs, Eleanor Roosevelt fought to include them. Roosevelt was among a handful of leaders who realized the U.S. economy would not escape the depths of recession without the full contributions of women. (Leaders Quotes)
Too often, the Democratic Party has been split between its grass-roots activists on one side and its elected officials and party leaders on the other. It’s important to remember: We need both wings to fly. (Leaders Quotes)
The American people, in their own families, they understand that you have to do that. You have to make the tough decisions. You have to get your budget. You have got to put it in order. And they expect their elected officials and their leaders to do likewise. (Leaders Quotes)
The political process does not end on Election Day. Young people need to stay involved in the process by continuing to pay attention to the conversation and holding their leaders accountable for the decisions they make. (Leaders Quotes)
I think it is its time for the leaders of Africa to say to President Mugabe that the people of Zimbabwe deserve a free and fair election. (Leaders Quotes)
I ask the GOP leaders also to stand up for the integrity of the American electoral process (Leaders Quotes)
I think I would encourage leaders to start working with communities in order to inoculate angry, young teenagers. (Leaders Quotes)
Muslim leaders should ask themselves what exactly their relationship is to a political movement that encourages young men to kill and maim on religious grounds. (Leaders Quotes)
In Iroquois society, leaders are encouraged to remember seven generations in the past and consider seven generations in the future when making decisions that affect the people. (Leaders Quotes)
I don’t want people to spend their nights worrying about getting hit by asteroids. But I do want them to encourage their political leaders to invest in the insurance, which will allow us to prevent it from happening. (Leaders Quotes)
We are an age without leaders. We stopped having leaders at the end of the 20th century. (Leaders Quotes)
In a nuclear age, and in an age of serious environmental degradation, apocalyptic belief creates a serious second order danger. The precarious logic of self-interest that saw us through the Cold War would collapse if the leaders of one nuclear state came to welcome, or ceased to fear mass death. (Leaders Quotes)
House Republican leaders voted more than 300 times to undermine environmental safeguards since 2011, but almost none of these measures became law because Americans pushed back. (Leaders Quotes)
We have endorsements of our plan from key leaders within the environmental movement. That doesn’t mean that it includes the whole environmental movement. (Leaders Quotes)
It is unfortunate that some in our party have lost sight of the importance of conservation and environmental protection for keeping America strong, healthy, prosperous, and secure. It’s time for all of our Republican leaders to recognize that conservation is conservative. (Leaders Quotes)
Lady Bird Johnson did more than plant flowers in public places. She served the country superbly by planting environmental values in the minds of the nation’s leaders and citizens. (Leaders Quotes)
I’m not saying that women leaders would eliminate violence. We are not more moral than men; we are only uncorrupted by power so far. When we do acquire power, we might turn out to have an equal impulse toward aggression. (Leaders Quotes)
Progressive leaders always try to take action on the forward edge of that movement, movement toward greater respect for the equal rights of all. (Leaders Quotes)
I’m not a lukewarm European. I know that the German-French friendship is indispensable, no matter who the countries’ leaders are. (Leaders Quotes)
The insistence of European leaders to austerity policies keeps the European economy strapped in stagnation. (Leaders Quotes)
New leaders must also expect and manage setbacks. In post-revolutionary times, expectations are high, and the obstacles to meeting them are enormous. (Leaders Quotes)
We Americans are world leaders and we must lead by example - particularly in times that require careful deliberation before any precipitous action - lest we fail to walk in the shoes of those we might injure. (Leaders Quotes)
Great leaders are great servants because the only way of setting an example is by demonstrating an example. Service to mankind is the key to true leadership! (Leaders Quotes)
When I’m hiring leaders, I pay a lot of attention to what their peers and what people who report to them say about them. We want people who relate well with their peers and cooperate in an exchange of information rather than being overly competitive. (Leaders Quotes)