Leadership Quotes

Text Quotes
You have to look at leadership through the eyes of the followers and you have to live the message (Leadership Quotes)
To a very high degree the measure of success in battle leadership is the ability to profit by the lessons of battle experience (Leadership Quotes)
I liked the military life. They teach you self-sufficiency early on. I always say that I learned most of what I know about leadership in the Marine Corps. Certain basic principles stay with you - sometimes consciously, mostly unconsciously (Leadership Quotes)
Leadership is not about a title or a designation. It’s about impact, influence and inspiration. Impact involves getting results, influence is about spreading the passion you have for your work, and you have to inspire team-mates and customers (Leadership Quotes)
The national Democratic leadership is going so far left, they’ve left America. Don’t let them bury the American dream in their graveyard of gloom and envy (Leadership Quotes)
We have a problem with women in leadership across the board. This leadership gap - this problem of not enough women in leadership - is running really deep and it’s in every industry. My answer is we have to understand the stereotype assumptions that hold women back (Leadership Quotes)
Cool is the emotional straightjacket. It makes us less available for connection which makes us less equipped for leadership roles (Leadership Quotes)
Dave Stark has taken the best of recent marketplace management concepts and married them to timeless biblical principles of leadership, translating business jargon into ministry language. The combination is an encouraging and practical guide to Christ-centered ministry leadership. This book will be helpful to anyone involved in leading a church or serious about modeling servant leadership (Leadership Quotes)
The main tenet of design thinking is empathy for the people you’re trying to design for. Leadership is exactly the same thing - building empathy for the people that you’re entrusted to help (Leadership Quotes)
Leadership is one of sports intangibles. Guys can score, guys can fight, guys can skate faster than anybody else. But not everybody can say, Follow me (Leadership Quotes)
Why would I be willing to challenge my Republican leadership? Because my allegiance will always be to the Constitution and the American people first and foremost, not to my political party (Leadership Quotes)
Ben Roethlisberger is a proven winner in athletic competition. But the measure of a true leader is how they conduct themselves 24/7, not just during a winning touchdown drive or a goal-line stance. Leadership isn’t something that gets switched off because the game clock expires (Leadership Quotes)
I don’t run a non-profit. There are lots of non-profits in America - in Detroit, parts of Wall Street, etc. I run a not for profit. We’re a business. The only difference is that instead of selling soap or sneakers, we sell hope and leadership (Leadership Quotes)
I have achieved what I set out to achieve when I took over the leadership. The Greens have gone from strength to strength with solid election results and a growing, engaged party membership (Leadership Quotes)
Leadership is influence. It is the ability to obtain followers. When the leader lacks confidence, the followers have no commitment. A leader is great not because of his power, but because of his ability to empower others (Leadership Quotes)
As in nature, politics abhors a vacuum. Without a strong voice for more moderate leadership, the Tea Party is filling that vacuum (Leadership Quotes)
Yesterday in a 25 to 24 vote, Republicans welcomed back Lott back into their leadership and named him minority whip. That is great for Trent. They say minority whip is a stepping stone to Grand Wizard (Leadership Quotes)
In 1960 Americans chose John F. Kennedy because they were ready for change. They were ready for new and better ideas. After six years of scandals and failed policies under the Reagan Administration, Americans are again ready for change and stronger leadership. I love my country. That is why I am seeking the Democratic nomination for president (Leadership Quotes)
I don’t want to over generalize, but I believe that women are typically drawn to leadership styles that focus on consensus building, effective listening and working in teams. That’s certainly been my leadership style, and I think it’s been very successful (Leadership Quotes)
Presidential candidate Donald Trump had a meeting with Ted Cruz. He said he does not know why he agreed to fly to New York to meet Ted Cruz and then he promised to bring that kind of leadership to the Oval Office (Leadership Quotes)
I’ve been a medical and public health professional as well as a mother. I became skilled at juggling a number of priorities and competing interests. Like many other female leaders, I’ve tried to serve as a role model for the young women at my organization who are trying to balance a high-level leadership position and a family (Leadership Quotes)
When a highly successful leader retires after a long career, it is very unlikely that his successor will be of comparable caliber. Anyone of similar ability and drive would have gone somewhere else, instead of waiting in the wings for years for a chance to show his own leadership (Leadership Quotes)
[Ella Baker]’s second defining characteristic was her dislike of top-down leadership... ‘She felt leaders were not appointed but the rose up. Someone will rise. Someone will emerge’. It was an attitude Baker shared with some of the older women in the movement (Leadership Quotes)
Look, Americans will go for leadership that makes sense. Our job, you know, as public officials, is not to put our finger in the air. Our job is to listen, and then lead (Leadership Quotes)
If you apply conservative principles and you stick with it, and you have the leadership skills to bring people toward the cause, you can move the needle on these things, I reject the notion that we can’t solve problems, that the gridlock is too enormous to forge consensus. It requires some creativity to get to a win for everybody (Leadership Quotes)
Right now, the leadership in Iran is telling their citizens one thing. Our President is telling us another (Leadership Quotes)
The Taliban has a huge leadership problem at a critical political moment, another caliph has announced himself to the world, and the Taliban has been silent. And that is getting noticed by militants across South Asia (Leadership Quotes)
I watched my parents in their leadership callings in the Church and the community. We just grew up knowing that we should serve and do whatever we could do to make things grow (Leadership Quotes)
This president [Barack Obama] has had weak leadership, which has led to bad choices. We have got to stop worrying about being loved and start worrying about being respected. And that’s exactly how I’ll lead our country (Leadership Quotes)
You have to have a government that does give both money and energy to function in a leadership role modeling giving for the people. Government is supposed to lead by example in many cases (Leadership Quotes)