Leading Quotes

Text Quotes
You cannot, for instance, sustainably protect the environment if the majority of the people are still in primitive agriculture leading to the encroachment of forest reserves (Leading Quotes)
We’re doing a lot of inspection on the leading edge of our wing on 114 and 121, the first two flights (Leading Quotes)
There is no easy path leading out of life, and few easy ones that lie within it (Leading Quotes)
I’ve worked with leading men so worried about losing their charm that they were always winking to the audience (Leading Quotes)
An unstable pilot steers a leaking ship, and the blind is leading the blind straight to the pit. The ruler is like the ruled (Leading Quotes)
And now she could not bring herself to believe that the uneventful life she was leading was the happiness of which she had dreamed (Leading Quotes)
It is essential to release humanity from the false fixations of yesterday, which seem now to bind it to a rationale of action leading only to extinction (Leading Quotes)
There is no promised road leading to definite results. What’s important is how to keep open as many options as possible (Leading Quotes)
Qigong is more than a set of exercises, it is an attitude that works to restructure one’s perspective on life, leading to balance and harmony with the world around us (Leading Quotes)
Although present on the occasion, I have no clear recollection of the events leading up to it (Leading Quotes)
Leaders learn by leading, and they learn best by leading in the face of obstacles. As weather shapes mountains, problems shape leaders (Leading Quotes)
Despair, feeding, as it always does, on phantasmagoria, is imperturbably leading literature to the rejection, en masse, of all divine and social laws, towards practical and theoretical evil (Leading Quotes)
Crises have a way of thrusting into the limelight hitherto obscure persons, and giving them, for a long or short period, a leading role (Leading Quotes)
Strategy is a system of expedients; it is more than a mere scholarly discipline. It is the translation of knowledge to practical life, the improvement of the original leading thought in accordance with continually changing situations (Leading Quotes)
The two leading recipes for success are building a better mousetrap and finding a bigger loophole (Leading Quotes)
The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them (Leading Quotes)
If you would rather pick a fight than solve a problem, do not consider leading the church (Leading Quotes)
I think the years leading up to 21 were a bit more fun than 21 and beyond might be (Leading Quotes)
A lot of directors idealize their leading ladies or turn them into these objects of sexuality and beauty (Leading Quotes)
The lack of access to proper nutrition is not only fueling obesity, it is leading to food insecurity and hunger among our children (Leading Quotes)
I feel like a different person since my mum passed away, like I’m driving a ship with my husband alongside me and we’re leading these four children into unknown waters (Leading Quotes)
An easy approach to the walls must be provided against: indeed they should be surrounded by uneven ground, and the roads leading to the gates should be winding and turn to the left from the gates (Leading Quotes)
When I was working on pictures with my father, there were a couple leading ladies to whom I wish I’d expressed how I felt rather than being too cool or too shy (Leading Quotes)
I’ve got a range as an actor! There was a time I played dramatic leading men (Leading Quotes)
My mother was a leading lady in a local theatre in Birmingham, Alabama, where I grew up (Leading Quotes)
The Natural Law which God has written into our beings cannot be entirely eradicated, but it can be gravely deformed, leading to distortion of consciousness and conscience, and hence our actions (Leading Quotes)
We must admit that it is quite common that people do have affairs with their leading ladies and men (Leading Quotes)
There’s no limit to how complicated things can get, on account of one thing always leading to another (Leading Quotes)
Peak performers develop powerful mental images of the behavior that will lead to the desired results. They see in their mind’s eye the result they want, and the actions leading to it (Leading Quotes)
But I think the majority of cows, and even more so chickens and pigs, are leading pretty miserable lives (Leading Quotes)