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Learn to obey before you command (Learn Quotes)
Experiment is the expected failure to deliberately learn something (Learn Quotes)
You never really learn much from hearing yourself talk (Learn Quotes)
When a child is penalized for honesty they learn to lie (Learn Quotes)
Had no need of a guide to learn ignorance (Learn Quotes)
You will never learn to beat anything you waste your time to hate (Learn Quotes)
You never really learn to swear until you learn to drive (Learn Quotes)
In life we don’t lose friends, we just learn who true friends are (Learn Quotes)
Learn from your past, live in the present and create your future (Learn Quotes)
Governments never learn. Only people learn (Learn Quotes)
He who refuses to learn deserves extinction (Learn Quotes)
Learn and think imperially (Learn Quotes)
Sometimes mistakes are unavoidable. Learn to forgive yourself (Learn Quotes)
Try to learn something about everything and everything about something (Learn Quotes)
You don’t learn anything by getting it right the first time (Learn Quotes)
You learn more through failure than you do with success (Learn Quotes)
I’ve just kept on ceaselessly painting in order to learn painting (Learn Quotes)
I bowed my heard, and I knew that we have a lot to learn from the leaf because it was not afraid - it knew that nothing can be born and nothing can die (Learn Quotes)
It is from their foes, not their friends, that cities learn the lesson of building high walls (Learn Quotes)
If a child can't learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn (Learn Quotes)
You have to learn how to help a wounded child while still practicing mindful breathing. You should not allow yourself to get lost in action. Action should be meditation at the same time (Learn Quotes)
Men of sense often learn from their enemies. It is from their foes, not their friends, that cities learn the lesson of building high walls and ships of war (Learn Quotes)
Root out the violence in your life, and learn to live compassionately and mindfully. Seek peace. When you have peace within, real peace with others is possible (Learn Quotes)
Thus we dare not conclude that because we learn about the Spirit we for that reason actually know Him. Knowing Him comes only by a personal encounter with the Holy Spirit himself (Learn Quotes)
It's somewhat bizarre to learn that many of you think that other humans are somehow different enough to be hated and killed when in reality you're all tiresomely similar in outlook, needs and motivation, and differ only by peculiar habits, generally shaped by geographical circumstances (Learn Quotes)
When I started out, I didn't have any desire to be an actress or to learn how to act. I just wanted to be famous (Learn Quotes)
You must learn to live as I do - in the face of constant criticism, opposition and censure. That, sir, is the English way (Learn Quotes)
I didn't set out to discover a truth. I was actually sent to the Outer Fringes to conduct a chair census and learn some humility. But the truth inevitably found me, as important truths often do, like a lost thought in need of a mind (Learn Quotes)
To say that God is omniscient is to say that He possesses perfect knowledge and therefore has no need to learn. But it is more: it is to say that God has never learned and cannot learn (Learn Quotes)
The study of thinking machines teaches us more about the brain than we can learn by introspective methods. Western man is externalizing himself in the form of gadgets (Learn Quotes)