Leaving Quotes

Text Quotes
The difference between a great soul and an ordinary man is this: the latter weeps while leaving this body, whereas the former laughs. Death seems to him a mere play (Leaving Quotes)
A certain recluse, I know not who, once said that no bonds attached him to this life, and the only thing he would regret leaving was the sky (Leaving Quotes)
For many men the denial of dependency on their mother is repeated in their subsequent relationships, sometimes by an absence of any sexual interest in women, sometimes by a pattern of loving and leaving them (Leaving Quotes)
No love, no friendship, can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever (Leaving Quotes)
Traveling is not just seeing the new; it is also leaving behind. Not just opening doors; also closing them behind you, never to return. But the place you have left forever is always there for you to see whenever you shut your eyes (Leaving Quotes)
When a man but half forgives his enemy, it is like leaving a bag of rusty nails to interpose between them (Leaving Quotes)
No individual has any right to come into the world and go out of it without leaving behind him distinct and legitimate reasons for having passed through it (Leaving Quotes)
Becoming an adult means leaving the world of your parents and starting to make your way toward the future that you will share with your peers (Leaving Quotes)
I am restless. I don’t mind leaving this comfortable, static life. I could live a year on my own in a remote village (Leaving Quotes)
In life, when stuff happens the instinct is to close off your heart. By leaving your heart open, it leaves room for someone else to come in (Leaving Quotes)
... Chicago divided your heart. Leaving you loving the joint for keeps. Yet knowing it never can love you (Leaving Quotes)
Your tears come easy, when you’re young, and beginning the world. Your tears come easy, when you’re old, and leaving it. I burst out crying (Leaving Quotes)
I’ll admit that my garden now grows hope in lavish profusion, leaving little room for anything else. I suppose it has squeezed out more practical plants like caution and common sense. Still, though, hope does not flourish in every garden, and I feel thankful it has taken root in mine (Leaving Quotes)
I know why people die of hopelessness. It comes on like a thick blanket, covering your thoughts, your confidence, creeping into your mind and filling the corners. I lie in the dark, suffocating under horrible dispare, wishing I were dead. I sleep, then wake, then sleep. The sleep is filled with monstrous dreams that attack, cry out, and vanish, leaving me once more awake and staring into the darkness. Help me! My mind is screaming, but there is no one to hear (Leaving Quotes)
I’ve lived so little that I tend to imagine I’m not going to die; it seems improbable that human existence can be reduced to so little; one imagines, in spite of oneself, that sooner or later something is bound to happen. A big mistake. A life can just as well be both empty and short. The days slip by indifferently, leaving neither trace nor memory; and then all of a sudden they stop (Leaving Quotes)
I’ll never forget you. Your husband will beat you with an extension cord and the bus will pull away leaving you standing there in tears, but you were my mother (Leaving Quotes)
Outside, there was that predawn kind of clarity, where the momentum of living has not quite captured the day. The air was not filled with conversation or thought bubbles or laughter or sidelong glances. Everyone was sleeping, all of their ideas and hopes and hidden agendas entangled in the dream world, leaving this world clear and crisp and cold as a bottle of milk in the fridge (Leaving Quotes)
The real ordeal is not leaving those you love but learning to live without those who don’t love you (Leaving Quotes)
My love for you won’t stop with my leaving. Come an evening over the years, when you step outside your door and hear the wind blowing through the cottonwoods, that’ll be me, thinking of you, whispering your name, and loving you (Leaving Quotes)
Alexander tilted his head and kissed her deeply on the lips. He let go of her hands, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing herself against him. They kissed as if in a fever... they kissed as if the breath were leaving their bodies (Leaving Quotes)
All bags are pack ready to go I am standing here outside your door I hate to wake you up to say goodbye dawn is braking its early morn the taxi waiting he blowing his horn already I am so lonesome I could die so kiss me and smile for me tell me that you’ll wait for me and hold me like you never let me go cause leaving on a jet plane don’t know when ill be back again oh babe I hate to go there so many let you down so many time I played around I tell you know that don’t mean a thing every plase I go I’ll think of you every song I sing I’ll sing for you (Leaving Quotes)
As a woman you are better off in life earning your own money. You couldn’t prevent your husband from leaving you or taking another wife, but you could have some of your dignity if you didn’t have to beg him for financial support (Leaving Quotes)
Is where you’re from the place you’re leaving or where you have roots? (Leaving Quotes)
Nobody in my life has ever known me the way you do. Nobody in my life has ever made me feel as good as you do. You know me, you know everything about me, and when you leave me, you’re going to be leaving the real me, the me nobody else has ever seen, that’s who you’re going to be rejecting (Leaving Quotes)
There was so much of beauty here: the neat, small tracks of a foraging creature, stoat or marten; the inticate tracery of a skeleton leaf, still clinging vainly to its parent tree as, little by little, time stripped it of its substance, leaving only the delicate remembrance of what it had been (Leaving Quotes)
Leaving out appraisal also would render the biological description of the phenomena of emotion vulnerable to the caricature that emotions without an appraisal phase are meaningless events. It would be more difficult to see how beautiful and amazingly intelligent emotions can be, and how powerfully they can solve problems for us (Leaving Quotes)
He was swept with a sadness, a sadness deep and penetrating, leaving him desolate like someone washed up on a beach, a lone survivor in a world full of strangers (Leaving Quotes)
The thing about leaving something behind for the last time is that you rarely realize you’re doing it (Leaving Quotes)
It was not despair, but it seemed to her as if life were passing by, leaving its promises broken and unfulfilled. Yet there were other days when she listened, was led on and deceived by fresh promises which her youth had held out to her (Leaving Quotes)
We are not leaving anyone behind we have to stick togheter in order to stay safe (Leaving Quotes)