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Lecture Quotes

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In a perfect world, I would never give another speech, address, talk, lecture or whatever as long as I live  (Lecture Quotes) I’ve been homeschooling for eight years and have always received the best advice and encouragement from other homeschoolers, rather than a book or lecture.  (Lecture Quotes) Sotomayor’s vainglorious lecture bromide about herself as ‘a wise Latina’ trumping white men is a vulgar embarrassment - a vestige of the bad old days of male-bashing feminism.  (Lecture Quotes) The original idea of blog publishing was that writer and reader would be on the same level. That it would be a conversation - not a lecture. People lost sight of that. We didn’t. Kinja is designed to break down the walls of the ghettos. So that everybody - editor, writer, source, subject, expert, fan - can be a contributor.  (Lecture Quotes) I’m noticing a lot of the big bloggers who’ve posted about politics are experiencing an ugly backlash. Readers are angry because they went to the bloggers’ sites for a laugh, not a lecture. Again, it’s a question of being appropriate for the audience.  (Lecture Quotes) The best university in the world is neither Oxford nor Harvard. The best university is youniversity. YOU got the lecture halls of thoughts in YOU! You got everything you need to graduate with first class accomplishments put in you! YOU can do it!  (Lecture Quotes) I think hip-hop has definitely brought the black experience to white kids more than the civil rights movement did and more than any teacher’s well-intentioned lecture on Martin Luther King did.  (Lecture Quotes) I started a lecture series that was inspired by my reporting on race in America. The ‘Black in America’ series launched on CNN in 2007 as an opportunity to freshen the national conversation on race.  (Lecture Quotes) I can’t say that my disability has helped my work, but it has allowed me to concentrate on research without having to lecture or sit on boring committees.  (Lecture Quotes) I found myself fascinated by neuroscience, attended a monthly lecture on brain science at the New York Psychoanalytic Institute, and was invited to become a member of a discussion group devoted to a new field: neuropsychoanalysis.  (Lecture Quotes) I don’t join the New Atheists. So, for example, I wouldn’t have the arrogance to lecture some mother who hopes to see her dying child in Heaven - that’s none of my business, ultimately. I won’t lecture her on the philosophy of science.  (Lecture Quotes) Somebody’s always getting me to come lecture to their writing class, and I don’t talk about writing at all, I talk about the business of making a living at this racket.  (Lecture Quotes) Give a lecture to a thousand people.One walks out and says,I’m going to change my life. Another one walks out with a yawn and says,I’ve heard all this before.Why is that? Why wouldn’t both be affected the same way?Another mystery.  (Lecture Quotes) Most people can tire of a lecture in fifteen minutes, clever people can do it in five, and sensible people don’t go to lectures at all.  (Lecture Quotes) I never thought that someone would be teaching one of my fanzines. I never thought I’d be off to lecture at a college. It’s still shocking to me.  (Lecture Quotes) When audiences come to see us authors lecture, it is largely in the hope that we’ll be funnier to look at than to read.  (Lecture Quotes) People who get through life dependent on other people’s possessions are always the first to lecture you on how little possessions count.  (Lecture Quotes) Is there a cookie at the end of this lecture? ... I got a cookie after all ... Dear God, the cookie was poisoned.  (Lecture Quotes) We teach reading, writing and math by [having students do] them. But we teach democracy by lecture.  (Lecture Quotes) Every weekend, I would get the drunk driving lecture. Of course, Dad drank and drove all the time. I guess it wasn’t a lecture; it was helpful tips from the master.  (Lecture Quotes) Bringing up teenagers is like sweeping back ocean waves with a frazzled broom-the inundation of outside influences never stops. Whatever the lure-cars, easy money, cigarettes, drugs, booze, sex, crime-much that glitters along the shore has a thousand times the appeal of a parent’s lecture.  (Lecture Quotes) Western society has many flaws, and it is good for an educated person to have thought some of these through, even at the expense of losing a lecture or two to tear gas.  (Lecture Quotes) It’s easier to lecture women on sexual morality than it is to explain why all Americans shouldn’t have comprehensive, fair, and equal health care coverage.  (Lecture Quotes) Tackling the environment should not be a licence to lecture people, because they have no excuse not to exercise, or eat their fruit and vegetables. Nannying - at least among adults - is likely to be counterproductive. Providing information is empowering; lecturing people is not. So, no excuses, no nannying.  (Lecture Quotes) What are the odds that two separate writers, strangers, a thousand miles apart, would each invent fictions in which guys take girls to an esoteric frog lecture on their first date? If that isn’t synchronicity, it’s something equally as weird.  (Lecture Quotes) I think I had a fur coat that someone bought me from Portobello Market back in the 1960s, but I think as soon as you think about it, what it is you’re wearing, make that connection, then you realise it’s just not right. I don’t lecture people about it, but it’s not something I’d ever wear.  (Lecture Quotes) If I could sew comedy and philosophy together, then I’ve done a good job. The primary goal is always going to be laughs and the secondary goal is always going to be saying something without it being a lecture. I think it’s important to have substance for what you’re saying.  (Lecture Quotes) If I could sew comedy and philosophy together, then I’ve done a good job. The primary goal is always going to be laughs and the secondary goal is always going to be saying something without it being a lecture.  (Lecture Quotes)
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