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Text Quotes
My hair is naturally curly, and in the 80’s, even though I experimented with different lengths, I generally wore it curly. Since then, I’ve learned how to use a blow dryer and flat iron. (Lengths Quotes)
I have good legs, so I prefer my skirt lengths and my high heels. It’s like my uniform. (Lengths Quotes)
All of us have theories about the world and about ourselves. We will go to great lengths to prove ourselves right because it keeps the world in our head coherent and understandable (Lengths Quotes)
It has become necessary for me to have this woman, so as to save myself from the ridicule of being in love with her: for to what lengths will a man not be driven by thwarted desire? (Lengths Quotes)
Everyone in the world needs someone they can depend on. Be their faithful friends, determined advocates, or a loving family. But occasionally in life, the people we thought would always be there for us…leave. And if that happens, it’s amazing the lengths we’ll go to, to get them back (Lengths Quotes)
If people know we expect good things from them, they will in most cases go to great lengths to live up to our expectations (Lengths Quotes)
I have good legs, so I prefer my skirt lengths and my high heels. It’s like my uniform (Lengths Quotes)
My own grandmother went to great lengths to make sure I knew simple things like how and when to open the door for a lady. And the best thing my mama taught me was to pray (Lengths Quotes)
My hair is naturally curly, and in the 80’s, even though I experimented with different lengths, I generally wore it curly. Since then, I’ve learned how to use a blow dryer and flat iron (Lengths Quotes)
The difference between the best worker on computer hardware and the average may be 2 to 1, if you’re lucky. With automobiles, maybe 2 to 1. But in software, it’s at least 25 to 1. The difference between the average programmer and a great one is at least that. The secret of my success is that we have gone to exceptional lengths to hire the best people in the world. And when you’re in a field where the dynamic range is 25 to 1, boy, does it pay off (Lengths Quotes)
My salvation has very little to do with anything that I have done... Jesus will go to any lengths to draw us to himself (Lengths Quotes)
Diets show to what great lengths women will go so as not to go to great widths (Lengths Quotes)
Fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly, writers will go to stupefying lengths to get the infernal roar of words out of their skulls and onto paper (Lengths Quotes)
Certain souls seem hard because they are capable of strong feelings, and they sometimes go to rather extreme lengths; their apparent unconcern and cruelty are but ways, known only to themselves, of feeling more strongly than others (Lengths Quotes)
The only reason investors haven’t run screaming from an obviously corrupt financial marketplace is because the government has gone to such extraordinary lengths to sell the narrative that the problems of 2008 have been fixed (Lengths Quotes)
It is principally for the sake of the leg that a change in the dress of man is so much to be desired. The leg is the best part of the figure and the best leg is the man s. Man should no longer disguise the long lines, the strong forms, in those lengths of piping or tubing that are of all garments the most stupid (Lengths Quotes)
American couples have gone to such lengths to avoid the interference of in-laws that they have to pay marriage counselors to interfere between them (Lengths Quotes)
When people believe you have something to give, something no one else has, they’ll go to great lengths and pay a lot of money for it (Lengths Quotes)
As with marathon runs and lengths of toilet paper, there had to be standards to measure up to (Lengths Quotes)
Men go to far greater lengths to avoid what they fear than to obtain what they desire (Lengths Quotes)
It never ceases to amaze me the lengths that some people will go to to try and speak to me or meet me (Lengths Quotes)
You would be surprised at the lengths you will go to believe the best about someone if you truly love him (Lengths Quotes)
No slave is a slave to the same lengths, and in so full a sense of the word, as a wife is (Lengths Quotes)
I’ve travelled all around the world to see the rivers and the mountains, and I’ve spent a lot of money. I have gone to great lengths, I have seen everything, but I forgot to see just outside my house a dewdrop on a little blade of grass, a dewdrop which reflects in its convexity the whole universe around you (Lengths Quotes)
These syllables, about 2, 300 in number, were mixed together and then drawn out by chance and used to construct series of different lengths, several of which each time formed the material for a test (Lengths Quotes)
There seems to be no lengths to which humorless people will not go to analyze humor. It seems to worry them (Lengths Quotes)
Women do not transgress the bounds of decorum so often as men; but when they do, they go greater lengths (Lengths Quotes)
Though I am, as you know, a pacifist by nature, I am not disposed to go to all lengths to meet people who seem to be behaving with utter unreason (Lengths Quotes)
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