Lenses Quotes
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Text Quotes
The role of biblical counselors is facilitate the discovery of a greater God awareness through spiritual eyes that look at life through scriptural lenses. (Lenses Quotes)
I can’t see. I used to wear glasses off stage. Now I’m thinking of getting a pair of contract lenses. (Lenses Quotes)
He made little, too little of sacraments and priests, because God was so intensely real to him. What should he do with lenses who stood thus full in the torrent of the sunshine (Lenses Quotes)
It is hard to let old beliefs go. They are familiar. We are comfortable with them and have spent years building systems and developing habits that depend on them. Like a man who has worn eyeglasses so long that he forgets he has them on, we forget that the world looks to us the way it does because we have become used to seeing it that way through a particular set of lenses. Today, however, we need new lenses. And we need to throw the old ones away (Lenses Quotes)
Myrna was not astigmatic; the lenses were clear glass; she wore the glasses to prove her dedication and intensity of purpose (Lenses Quotes)
Famous people come up to me, but I don't know who they are because my sight is so bad. It's always at the pool of the Four Seasons in Beverly Hills when I don't have my lenses in and my glasses are in my room (Lenses Quotes)
Other men are lenses through which we read our own minds. Each man seeks those of different quality from his own, and such as are good of their kind; that is, he seeks other men, and the otherest (Lenses Quotes)
To me, eyewear goes way beyond being a prescription. It’s like makeup. It’s the most incredible accessory. The shape of a frame or the color of lenses can change your whole appearance (Lenses Quotes)
Your home should be your home. People shouldn’t be allowed to use whatever crazy lenses they use to catch you waking up in the morning (Lenses Quotes)
I always wanted to know what lens they were on, how close they were. I didn’t do it with a plan in mind, but I would instinctively gear what I was doing toward what lenses they were using (Lenses Quotes)
It doesn’t upset artists to find out that artists used lenses or mirrors or other aids, but it certainly does upset the art historians (Lenses Quotes)
I think a lot of the time these days people are so concerned about having the right camera and the right film and the right lenses and all the special effects that go along with it, even the computer, that they’re missing the key element (Lenses Quotes)
Rather than being an interpreter, the scientist who embraces a new paradigm is like the man wearing inverting lenses (Lenses Quotes)
She was like a camera that had been chronically out of focus until someone came by and twisted the lenses into alignment (Lenses Quotes)
We do a lot of looking: we look through lenses, telescopes, television tubes... Our looking is perfected every day, but we see less and less (Lenses Quotes)
Our beliefs act as lenses. These lenses can help us see things we can’t otherwise see, but they can also block us from seeing parts of reality (Lenses Quotes)
That youthful sparkle in his eyes is caused by his contact lenses, which he keeps highly polished (Lenses Quotes)
My first priority when taking pictures is to achieve clarity. A good documentary photograph transmits the information of the situation with the utmost fidelity; achieving it means understanding the nuances of lighting and composition, and also remembering to keep the lenses clean and the cameras steady (Lenses Quotes)
It is essential for the photographer to know the effect of his lenses. The lens is his eye, and it makes or ruins his pictures. A feeling for composition is a great asset. I think it is very much a matter of instinct. It can perhaps be developed, but I doubt if it can be learned. To achieve his best work, the young photographer must discover what really excites him visually. He must discover his own world (Lenses Quotes)
Cameras and lenses are simply tools to place our unique vision on film. Concentrate on equipment and you’ll take technically good photographs. Concentrate on seeing the light’s magic colors and your images will stir the soul (Lenses Quotes)
Why did I lose? No reason, though you might like to know that I got tired, my ears started popping, the rubber came off my shoes, I got cramp, and I lost one of my contact lenses. Other than that I was in great shape (Lenses Quotes)
I was shy, but it came out in a big personality. My turning point was when I let my hair go naturally and I got contact lenses. I am really blind, by the way. I have these big eyes that don’t work! (Lenses Quotes)
By 2009, computers will disappear. Displays will be written directly onto our retinas by devices in our eyeglasses and contact lenses (Lenses Quotes)
It was a hobby I got into a long time ago, hacking cameras. I was able to make my own using different lenses (Lenses Quotes)
If you’re asking whether I intentionally mess up my hair, no, I don’t. And certain things, like my freckles, they’re just there. I don’t do anything consciously. I suppose I could get contact lenses. I suppose I could comb my hair more often (Lenses Quotes)
When you choose not to forgive... it is you who are forced every day to look at life through contaminated lenses because you have chosen to keep them (Lenses Quotes)
If at times my eyes are lenses through which the brain explores constellations of feeling my ears yielding like swinging doors admit princes to the corridors into the mind, do not envy me. I have a beast on my back (Lenses Quotes)
I am always surprised when I see several cameras, a gaggle on lenses, filters, meters, et cetera, rattling around in a soft bag with a complement of refuse and dust. Sometimes the professional is the worst offender! (Lenses Quotes)
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