Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes

Text Quotes
All objects transmit their image to the eye in pyramids and the nearer to the eye these pyramids are intersected the smaller will the image appear of the objects which cause them (Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes)
No human investigation can claim to be scientific if it doesn’t pass the test of mathematical proof (Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes)
It is the infinite alone that cannot be attained, for if it could it would become finite (Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes)
The painter must be solitary. For if you are alone you are completely yourself, but if you are accompanied by a single companion, you are only half yourself (Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes)
A painter was asked why, since he made such beautiful figures, which were but dead things, his children were so ugly; to which the painter replied that he made his pictures by day, and his children by night (Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes)
To any white body receiving the light from the sun, or the air, the shadows will be of a bluish cast (Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes)
In an atmosphere of uniform density the most distant things seen through it, such as the mountains, in consequence of the great quantity of atmosphere which is between your eye and them, will appear blue. Therefore you should make the building... wall which is more distant less defined and bluer... five times as far away, make five times as blue (Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes)
It reflects no great honour on a painter to be able to execute one thing well (Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes)
Be eager to lend a patient ear to the opinions of others and think long and hard whether whoever finds fault has reason or not to censure you. And if the answer is yes, correct the fault. If no, give the impression that you have not heard him, or if he is a man whom you respect, explain to him why he is mistaken (Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes)
There is nothing that deceives us more than our own judgment when used to give an opinion on our own works. It is sound in judging the work of our enemies but not that of our friends, for hate and love are two of the most powerfully motivating factors found among living things (Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes)
No one should ever imitate the style of another because, with regard to art, he will be called a nephew and not a child of nature (Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes)
O painter, take care lest the greed for gain prove a stronger incentive than renown in art, for to gain this renown is a far greater thing than is the renown of riches (Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes)
O admirable necessity! O powerful action! What mind can penetrate your nature? What language can express this marvel? None, to be sure. This is where human discourse turns toward the contemplation of the divine (Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes)
Look at light and admire its beauty. Close your eyes, and then look again: what you saw is no longer there; and what you will see later is not yet (Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes)
The vivacity and brightness of colors in a landscape will never bear any comparison with a landscape in nature when it is illumined by the sun, unless the painting is placed in such a position that it will receive the same light from the sun as does the landscape (Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes)
Shadows which you see with difficulty, and whose boundaries you cannot define... these you should not represent as finished or sharply defined, for the result would be that your work would seem wooden (Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes)
Surely when a man is painting a picture he ought not refuse to hear any man’s opinion... Since men are able to form a true judgement as to the works of nature, how much more does it behoove us to admit that they are able to judge our faults (Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes)
The mind of a painter should be like a mirror which is filled with as many images as there are things placed before him (Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes)
If on your own or by the criticism of others you discover error in your work, correct it then and there; otherwise in exposing your work to the public, you will expose your error also (Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes)
We know well that mistakes are more easily detected in the works of others than in one’s own (Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes)
He who draws... ought to take his position so that the eye of the figure he is drawing is on a level with his own... because, generally, figures or people whom you meet in the streets all have their eyes at the same level as yours, and if you make them higher or lower you will find that your portrait will not resemble them (Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes)
If anyone wishes to see how the soul dwells in its body, let him observe how this body uses its daily habitation; that is to say, if this is devoid of order and confused, the body will be kept in disorder and confusion by its soul (Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes)
Poetry is superior to painting in the presentation of words, and painting is superior to poetry in the presentation of facts. For this reason I judge painting to be superior to poetry (Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes)
Perspective is to painting what the bridle is to the horse, the rudder to a ship (Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes)
There are three aspects to perspective. The first has to do with how the size of objects seems to diminish according to distance: the second, the manner in which colors change the farther away they are from the eye; the third defines how objects ought to be finished less carefully the farther away they are (Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes)
Although the poet has as wide a choice of subjects as the painter, his creations fail to afford as much satisfaction to mankind as do paintings... if the poet serves the understanding by way of the ear, the painter does so by the eye, which is the nobler sense (Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes)
The soul is content to stay imprisoned in the human body... for through the eyes all the various things of nature are represented to the soul (Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes)
The lover is drawn by the thing loved, as the sense is by that which it perceives (Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes)
Painting embraces and contains within itself all the things which nature produces or which results from the fortuitous actions of men... he is but a poor master who makes only a single figure well (Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes)
An artist’s studio should be a small space because small rooms discipline the mind and large ones distract it (Leonardo Da Vinci Quotes)