Let Cupid smile and the fiend must flee; Hey and hither, my lad

Let Cupid smile and the fiend must flee; Hey and hither, my lad
Robert Graves was a renowned poet and novelist known for his unique and often controversial perspectives on love, war, and mythology. One of his most famous works, "The White Goddess," delves into the complexities of love and the power of the feminine divine. In this context, the phrase "Let Cupid smile and the fiend must flee; Hey and hither, my lad" takes on a deeper meaning that reflects Graves' fascination with the dual nature of love and desire.The line "Let Cupid smile and the fiend must flee" suggests that love has the power to conquer even the darkest forces within us. Cupid, the Roman god of love, is often depicted as a mischievous cherub armed with a bow and arrow, capable of inspiring both passion and chaos. In Graves' interpretation, Cupid's smile represents the transformative power of love, which can drive away the demons and negative influences that plague our hearts and minds.
The second part of the phrase, "Hey and hither, my lad," evokes a sense of urgency and longing. The speaker is calling out to their beloved, urging them to come closer and embrace the power of love. The word "hey" is often used as a call to attention or a signal of excitement, while "hither" means "to this place." Together, these words convey a sense of anticipation and desire, as the speaker beckons their lover to join them in the realm of love and passion.
Graves' exploration of love and desire in his poetry often reflects his own tumultuous relationships and personal struggles. His work is filled with themes of longing, betrayal, and redemption, as he grapples with the complexities of human emotion. The phrase "Let Cupid smile and the fiend must flee; Hey and hither, my lad" encapsulates these themes, offering a glimpse into the transformative power of love and the eternal struggle between light and darkness within us all.