Let Me Quotes

Text Quotes
Usually, when a young girl is pregnant, she drops out of school and concentrates on being a mother. I thought thats what I had to do, but my counselors told me there was no way they would let me drop out. I had too much promise (Let Me Quotes)
Let me put it more precisely: The ability to give birth is a natural characteristic. In the same way, everybody can grasp philosophical truths if they just use their innate reason (Let Me Quotes)
As the season of believing seems to wind down let me gently remind you that many dreams still wait in the wings. Many authentic sparks must be fanned before passion performs her perfect work in you. Throw another log on the fire (Let Me Quotes)
I urge you to spend your youth profitably in study and virtue... In brief, let me see in you an abyss of knowledge (Let Me Quotes)
People say time heals all wounds. Let me tell you, time heals nothing. You can do the wrong thing for 10 years and it doesn’t equal the right thing for one day (Let Me Quotes)
Let me just say, at once: I am not now nor have I ever been a white man. And, leaving aside the joys of unearned privilege, this leaves me feeling pretty good (Let Me Quotes)
My mom has never been a big meddler and isn’t like extremely opinionated or at least just doesn’t voice it to me. She’s sort of let me come into my own by myself and I think that’s just a testament to what my parents did in terms of raising us (Let Me Quotes)
You love writing; I hate it; and if I had a lover who expected a note from me every morning, I should certainly break with him. Let me beg you then not to measure my friendship by my writing (Let Me Quotes)
And now let me address all of you, high and low, rich and poor, one with another, to accept of mercy and grace while it is offered to you; Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation; and will you not accept it, now it is offered unto you? (Let Me Quotes)
If you refuse to study anatomy, the arts of drawing and perspective, the mathematics of aesthetics, and the science of color, let me tell you that this is more a sign of laziness than of genius (Let Me Quotes)
Okay, maybe I’m not cooler than you, but I felt like I was for a second. Just let me have my moment! (Let Me Quotes)
I’ve starred in a lot of science fiction movies and, let me tell you something, climate change is not science fiction, this is a battle in the real world, it is impacting us right now (Let Me Quotes)
Let me begin by saying that I am one of those naturally wary people who considers the verb return a kind of insidious threat (Let Me Quotes)
For heaven’s sake, this is 2015. I’ve run the largest technology company in the world. Let me assure you we know how to build an employer verification system that would work. We can solve this. We just need to do it (Let Me Quotes)
We have put our country on solid ground, but let me tell you: The next five years are much, much more important. The next five years are about turning the good news in our economy into a good life for you and your family (Let Me Quotes)
Let me be the first to tell you, drinking alcohol is the worst thing to do in cold weather. Hot soup is the best because the process of digesting food helps to warm you up (Let Me Quotes)
Let me tell you I am better acquainted with you for a long absence, as men are with themselves for a long affliction: absence does but hold off a friend, to make one see him the truer (Let Me Quotes)
Let me go to hell, that’s all I ask, and go on cursing them there, and them look down and hear me, that might take some of the shine off their bliss (Let Me Quotes)
I try to do as many stunts as they’ll let me do. I think it’s important for an audience to feel that the actor’s really doing it (Let Me Quotes)
From the moment I was six I felt sexy. And let me tell you it was hell, sheer hell, waiting to do something about it (Let Me Quotes)
Let me give you a definition of ethics: It is good to maintain and further life it is bad to damage and destroy life (Let Me Quotes)
I just don’t want to be the damsel in distress. I’ll scream on the balcony, but you’ve got to let me do a little action here (Let Me Quotes)
Let me tell you about being executive producer. It is not a job, it’s a title. Don’t go around asking executive producers what they do because they don’t do anything, alright? (Let Me Quotes)
Let me remind you of the old maxim: people under suspicion are better moving than at rest, since at rest they may be sitting in the balance without knowing it, being weighed together with their sins (Let Me Quotes)
That was a wonderful period in my life. I mean, I didn’t become an artist, but somebody let me do something I loved. What a luxury, to do something you love to do (Let Me Quotes)
Let me tell you this: if you meet a loner, no matter what they tell you, it’s not because they enjoy solitude. It’s because they have tried to blend into the world before, and people continue to disappoint them (Let Me Quotes)
Let men of all ranks whether they are successful, or unsuccessful, whether they triumph or not; let them do their duty, and rest satisfied (Let Me Quotes)
Let me tell you the polls that count, and those are the polls a couple of weeks before the election. That’s when the pollsters worry about holding onto their credibility. Those are the polls that everybody remembers (Let Me Quotes)
I was born 20 years after my eldest sister. I was the pampered child. That kind of love gives you an almost unbreakable backbone. My mother had three kids before me. She let me be completely free. I just never had anything to beat myself up over (Let Me Quotes)
I always feel that if you put me in a room with a director and a writer and let me talk about the script, I can give a good account of myself (Let Me Quotes)