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Let Us Quotes

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Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not  (Let Us Quotes) Let us leave every man at liberty to seek into himself and to lose himself in his ideas  (Let Us Quotes) Let us treat the men and women well: treat them as if they were real: perhaps they are  (Let Us Quotes) If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us so live as to deserve happiness  (Let Us Quotes) And lastly, let us provide in our constitution for its revision at stated periods  (Let Us Quotes) Beloved brother, let us not forget that man can never get away from himself  (Let Us Quotes) Since we cannot attain to greatness, let us revenge ourselves by railing at it  (Let Us Quotes) Together let us beat this ample field, try that the open, what the covert yield  (Let Us Quotes) Past sorrows, let us moderately lament them; for those to come, seek wisely to prevent them  (Let Us Quotes) O let us still the secret joy partake, to follow virtue even for virtue’s sake  (Let Us Quotes) Let us consider the reasons of the case. For nothing is law that is not reason  (Let Us Quotes) To live is not to live for one’s self alone; let us help one another  (Let Us Quotes) If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us at least live so as to deserve happiness  (Let Us Quotes) The life, which others pay, let us bestow, and give to fame what we to nature owe  (Let Us Quotes) Let us not run out of the path of duty, lest we run into the way of danger  (Let Us Quotes) It is expedient there should be gods, and as it is expedient, let us believe them to exist  (Let Us Quotes) Just once in a while, let us exalt the importance of ideas and information  (Let Us Quotes) With stout hearts, and with enthusiasm for the contest, let us go forward to victory  (Let Us Quotes) Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate  (Let Us Quotes) Come, let us take a muster speedily. Doomsday is near. Die all, die merrily  (Let Us Quotes) Let us step into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure  (Let Us Quotes) Let us have integrity and not write checks with our tongues which our conduct cannot cash  (Let Us Quotes) Whatever our calling, regardless of our fears or anxieties, let us pray and then go and do  (Let Us Quotes) Let us respect others no one lives alone in a city, a nation, or a world  (Let Us Quotes) Let us stand a little taller, if you don’t, you will never strengthen yourself  (Let Us Quotes) Now let us bandy words no more... nothing is easier than sharp words, except to wish them unspoken  (Let Us Quotes) But let’s not speak of what might have been. Let us speak instead of what is. You are whole  (Let Us Quotes) Never let us be guilty of sacrificing any portion of truth on the altar of peace  (Let Us Quotes) Let us not decide what is good, but let it be considered good not to decide it  (Let Us Quotes) As life tends to become more and more distracting, let us firmly hold on to books  (Let Us Quotes)
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