Let's constantly turn the conversation back to me

Let's constantly turn the conversation back to me
In any conversation, it is important to maintain a balance between speaking and listening. However, there are some individuals who have a tendency to constantly turn the conversation back to themselves. This behavior can be seen as self-centered and can be off-putting to others.When someone constantly turns the conversation back to themselves, it can make the other person feel like their thoughts and feelings are not being valued. It can also make the conversation feel one-sided and unbalanced. This can lead to frustration and resentment on the part of the listener, as they may feel like they are not being heard or understood.
Constantly turning the conversation back to oneself can also be a sign of narcissism. Narcissists have a strong need for attention and validation, and may use conversations as a way to fulfill this need. They may dominate the conversation, steer it towards topics that are of interest to them, and dismiss or ignore the contributions of others.