Letting Quotes

Text Quotes
It’s important to be honest with and respectful of each other and deal with issues as they arrive, as opposed to letting them simmer (Letting Quotes)
It’s about taking everything you thought was true and throwing it out the window. It’s about embracing life’s unpredictability, letting go of boundaries, and starting ove (Letting Quotes)
I love to observe Christmas in quietude, humility, benevolence, charity, letting good will towards man, eloquent silence, prayer, and praise express my conception of Truth’s appearing (Letting Quotes)
I know we’ve barely met but I wanted to say thanks for letting me claim you as a dependent (Letting Quotes)
Life is too short to spend at war with yourself. Practice acceptance and forgiveness. Letting go of the past is your first step to (Letting Quotes)
Change only happens when the pain of holding on is greater than the fear of letting go (Letting Quotes)
Trust makes you let your guard down, letting your guard down can get you killed (Letting Quotes)
Never let somebody’s opinion of you become your reality, you’re letting them win (Letting Quotes)
God isn’t letting you fall. He is teaching you how to fly. Spread your wings and trust him (Letting Quotes)
Letting go isn’t a one time thing. It’s something I do everyday, over and over again (Letting Quotes)
A true friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself. Real love is letting a person be who they really are (Letting Quotes)
Falling in love means letting yourself fall even though there is a chance you might get hurt (Letting Quotes)
Letting go isn’t about loss or defeat. It’s to cherish the memories, to overcome, move on, and having an open mind confidence in the future (Letting Quotes)
Ladies. Letting go is hard, especially when emotions run deep. But remember, sometimes holding on can hurt much more (Letting Quotes)
Jesus is knocking at your door. Take hold of the better life by letting him into your life. Make him the boss of your life. It’ll change everything (Letting Quotes)
Let it go. Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. Holding one is like letting unwanted company live rent free in your head (Letting Quotes)
Stop letting unimportant issues get to you. Some people live to simply watch others become miserable (Letting Quotes)
It’s really hard not letting go of someone you love, but it’s harder getting hurt by knowing the fact that you will never be together (Letting Quotes)
To let go isn’t to forget. Letting go involves cherishing the memories, overcoming the obstacles, and moving on (Letting Quotes)
Sometimes letting go of the person isn’t enough, sometimes you have to let go of your memories with them too (Letting Quotes)
I made most of all this sorrow. I tried to brave this discontent, but now I’m through. I’m letting go of you (Letting Quotes)
Letting go is bitter sweet. But if we keep going, it becomes less bitter and more sweet. Stay strong! (Letting Quotes)
You have to stop letting the enemy steal your happiness. He will rob you of it if you let him! Focus on your blessings! (Letting Quotes)
You don’t realize how hard the road to letting go is, until you are the one traveling it (Letting Quotes)
People think it’s holding on that makes you stronger, but sometimes it is letting go (Letting Quotes)
By letting go of what you thought was going to happen in your life, you can enjoy what is actually happening (Letting Quotes)
Theres a difference between beg friending and letting someone know that you want them back in your life (Letting Quotes)
Thanks for letting me know you understand what it’s like to be a parent since you have a pet (Letting Quotes)
Sometimes, you have to run away from the people you love, not for the sake of letting them realize your worth, but for you to realize your own worth (Letting Quotes)
Just because I forgive you, it doesn’t mean that I want you back. I’m forgiving, letting go and moving on to something better (Letting Quotes)