Level Quotes

Text Quotes
I do believe that I’m an addict on one level or another at all times (Level Quotes)
History is conjecture raised to the level of an art (Level Quotes)
I studied art just short of the level where you can earn a degree (Level Quotes)
Wealth is measured by the level of experience in all aspects of life (Level Quotes)
Almost all government starts at a very local level at some point (Level Quotes)
If the Kingdom is being advanced at any level it represents increase (Level Quotes)
On some level, we as human beings can be who we want to be (Level Quotes)
Being a celebrity at a very high level is a good thing (Level Quotes)
We never see ourselves as being on a higher level than our fans (Level Quotes)
At a certain point, you can’t tax people beyond a certain level (Level Quotes)
There is not enough faith in black music at a high level (Level Quotes)
There is a level of appreciation for brothers and sisters in the hood (Level Quotes)
I was brought up a Catholic, for that you get an A level in guilt (Level Quotes)
You decide your own level of involvement (Level Quotes)
Meditation is a way to take us to a deeper level of awareness (Level Quotes)
On a personal level, you wear different masks (Level Quotes)
Truth on our level is a different thing from truth for the jellyfish (Level Quotes)
Dreams raise the emotional level of what I’m doing at the moment (Level Quotes)
My energy level has not changed (Level Quotes)
Our entire personality, our energy level, and how we cope is hormonal (Level Quotes)
I don’t want my faith level to go up or down. And so I don’t fear. (Level Quotes)
There’s no such thing as a free lunch, at least on the karmic level (Level Quotes)
If we can play like that every week well get some level of consistency (Level Quotes)
I want my work to reflect my level of gifts and talent (Level Quotes)
If you’re not optimistic on some level, then you’ve given up (Level Quotes)
I’m an expert in higher level math. You God = Enough (Level Quotes)
The best reason for committing loathsome and detestable acts - and let's face it, I am considered something of an expert in this field - is purely for their own sake. Monetary gain is all very well, but it dilutes the taste of wickedness to a lower level that is obtainable by anyone with an overdeveloped sense of avarice. True and baseless evil is as rare as the purest good - and we all know how rare that is (Level Quotes)
Goodness is weakness, pleasantness is poisonous, serenity is mediocrity and kindness is for losers. The best reason for committing loathsome and detestable acts – and let's face it, I am considered something of an expert in this field – is purely for their own sake. Monetary gain is all very well, but it dilutes the taste of wickedness to a lower level that is obtainable by almost anyone with an overdeveloped sense of avarice. True and baseless evil is as rare as the purest good – (Level Quotes)
Religion today is not transforming people; rather it is being transformed by the people. It is not raising the moral level of society; it is descending to society's own level, and congratulating itself that it has scored a victory because society is smilingly accepting its surrender (Level Quotes)
It is not only what we have that enhance our dignity but what we do with what we have also magnifies our reputation to the highest level (Level Quotes)