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There’s a certain level of comfort that comes when you move in together. The mystery is gone. She starts dressing for bed in your pajamas, cream on her face, Uggs, curlers. What happened to the sexy girl that used to come to bed in lingerie? The girl says, ‘We don’t need to act.’  (Level Quotes) I had come to the point when I realized it was unlikely that my film career was going to move beyond a certain level of role. And I was - because I had graphic instances of it - handicapped by the success of Star Trek. A director would say, ‘I don’t want Jean-Luc Picard in my movie’ - and this was compounded by X-Men as well.  (Level Quotes) Trauma, and certain important experiences, can imprint on us at a genetic level  (Level Quotes) It takes a certain level of consciousness to ‘want’ to grow your consciousness  (Level Quotes) Once you get to a certain level, anybody can beat anybody else on any given day  (Level Quotes) I’ve noticed in England once people reach a certain level they feel they have to get married  (Level Quotes) Environmental concern is a phenomena that tends to rise in a nation after a certain level of wealth.  (Level Quotes) Film actors reach a certain level, but they don’t get beyond it unless they work in the theater.  (Level Quotes) Just because you’ve reached a certain level of success, that doesn’t mean you’ve become corrupted by the system.  (Level Quotes) [In New York,] when you say you’re an actor, there’s a certain level of respect that goes with that.  (Level Quotes) You have to adhere to a certain morality, a certain level of decorum, or else you’ll be punished and labeled.  (Level Quotes) Most sex doesn’t really bring people together. You have to reach a certain level of connection, I think, and that’s pretty rare.  (Level Quotes) When you arrive at a certain level it’s very easy to say yes: that is the moment to learn to say no.  (Level Quotes) When you’re a touring musician, you’re always turning over new rocks and there’s always a certain level of tension in your life.  (Level Quotes) Distance makes the heart grow fonder, a little bit, but there’s a certain maturity level that just comes with experience and growing up.  (Level Quotes) When you have a country that’s been accustomed to government spending at a certain level, it is really hard to ratchet it back.  (Level Quotes) If I’d made it right away as an actor, I would’ve stopped at a certain level and stayed there, probably as a character actor.  (Level Quotes) I grow tired of intelligence having such a limited manifestation in movies - intelligence usually meaning coastal, with a certain level of formal education.  (Level Quotes) Stand-up comedy in the end, unlike the rest of the entertainment industry, is a meritocracy. There’s a certain level of undeniability you can work toward.  (Level Quotes) When you’re representing a sport, people are more likely to judge and comment as, unlike other fields, sport permits every viewer to participate to a certain level.  (Level Quotes) At one level you’re condemned to the voice you have. But within those confines, you have a certain amount of freedom to range among your possible voices.  (Level Quotes) At a certain level, great actors who are successful actors don’t have to worry about it. They can just go for it because they believe in themselves.  (Level Quotes) Writing is much more satisfying on a certain level than acting ever was. Because you’re not interpreting someone else’s original idea, you can come up with your own.  (Level Quotes) Many Czech people are very talented. They can do many things, but when they get to a certain level, they are satisfied. I am not like that, thank God.  (Level Quotes) I still get butterflies. It’s because there’s a certain level of responsibility you carry when doing a concert. You’ve got to sound at least as good as the record.  (Level Quotes) It was really weird to have a hit. Of course, we had a certain level of fame in the Pixies, but nothing I had ever done had been mall-kid friendly.  (Level Quotes) If a kid really is retarded and can only come up to a certain level, he will still have more success if what he learns is connected with something important to him.  (Level Quotes) The biggest thing is to continue to do what you do. A lot of people, when they get to a certain level, start thinking about it too much and they change what they do.  (Level Quotes) Once the festival achieved a certain level of notoriety, then people began to come here with agendas that were not the same as ours. We can’t do anything about that. We can’t control that.  (Level Quotes) The mood in the market is one of a high level of caution. When you get some selling coming in, it’s almost like a chain reaction - - it builds on itself.  (Level Quotes)
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