Liberal Quotes

Text Quotes
Some taxpayers may object to a print journalism bailout on the grounds that it mostly benefits the liberal elite. And we can’t blame taxpayers for being reluctant to subsidize the reportorial careers of J-school twerps who should have joined the Peace Corps and gone to Africa to ‘speak truth to power’ to Robert Mugabe. (Liberal Quotes)
By temperament and disposition and emotions, I’m a liberal; but in my beliefs about what’s best for the country, I’m a centrist. (Liberal Quotes)
My love of truth and honesty forces me to notice that the liberal intelligentsia of Western countries is betraying itself where Islam is concerned. (Liberal Quotes)
I think my love of truth and honesty forces me to notice that the liberal intelligentsia of Western countries is betraying itself where Islam is concerned. (Liberal Quotes)
There’s nothing on this green earth that a liberal progressive fears more than a black American who wants a better life and a smaller government. (Liberal Quotes)
The biases the media has are much bigger than conservative or liberal. They’re about getting ratings, about making money, about doing stories that are easy to cover. (Liberal Quotes)
To make the argument that the media has a left- or right-wing, or a liberal or a conservative bias, is like asking if the problem with Al-Qaeda is do they use too much oil in their hummus. (Liberal Quotes)
Behind every liberal philanthropist fortune is a huge capitalist score. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett can afford now to be liberal - an expensive indulgence - because in their early incarnations they were no-holds-barred capitalists who made lots of enemies conducting business without mercy and in search of pure profit. (Liberal Quotes)
The liberal psyche wants to protect minorities, to apologize for imperialism, colonialism, slavery, and the appalling treatment of black people during the civil rights movement. At the same time, they want to continue to defend the rights of individuals. (Liberal Quotes)
The greatest danger to the liberal vision are facts about the consequences of liberalism itself and the laws, policies, and ways of life that the left has spawned. That the black family, which survived centuries of slavery and generations of discrimination, has disintegrated in the wake of the liberal welfare states is only one example. (Liberal Quotes)
I must warn you right here and now that I am a ‘wet leftie,’ a ‘leftist’ and also a member of the ‘bleeding heart liberal left.’ I had no say in it whatsoever. I woke up one morning, and these things were tattooed across my forehead. (Liberal Quotes)
If all these guys think that nothing is going to come out for 100 years, they’re going to act a whole lot more boldly. So we need to get back into the declassification business. This notion of overclassification is not just a bleeding-heart liberal issue. When everything is classified, nothing is classified. (Liberal Quotes)
A person of good intelligence and of sensitivity cannot exist in this society very long without having some anger about the inequality - and it’s not just a bleeding-heart, knee-jerk, liberal kind of a thing - it is just a normal human reaction to a nonsensical set of values where we have cinnamon flavored dental floss and there are people sleeping in the street. (Liberal Quotes)
One of the characteristics of New Labour - and Miliband is irredeemably of that species - is that, in the guise of a new liberal language, it has adopted the age-old default mode of British foreign policy, namely military intervention. (Liberal Quotes)
If there is any emergence of a fourth party in British politics, it is the task of the Liberal Party to strangle it at birth. (Liberal Quotes)
Hollywood is full of very liberal people, but it still has an infrastructure that needs to be broken. (Liberal Quotes)
I am my brother’s keeper, says the chickenshit liberal. Perhaps he does not realize that he now has more than 2 1/2 billion brothers. (Liberal Quotes)
Whether you are liberal or conservative, people seem to know the talking points for whatever the issue of the day is. Very rarely does it seem like these are opinions that people are coming up with themselves; it’s like they watched the right cable news channel, and now they know what they are supposed to think, and they repeat that. (Liberal Quotes)
Conservatives, despite their increasingly powerful presence on cable TV and talk radio, feel excluded and disregarded by the longstanding preponderance of liberal voices on public television. (Liberal Quotes)
I wish more people knew that the only one of the three main parties where not a single MP flipped from one property to the next, and not a single MP avoided capital-gains tax, where every single London MP did not claim a penny of second-home allowance, was the Liberal Democrats. (Liberal Quotes)
The liberal uses the radical’s language to achieve the conservative’s aim: the preservation of the capitalist system, and the traditional ethnic/racial hierarchy within society. (Liberal Quotes)
A dog is like a liberal. He wants to please everybody. A cat really doesn’t need to know that everybody loves him. (Liberal Quotes)
In my estimation, there should always be a mixture of economic liberalism - which means small government, a great emphasis on markets - but also a certain degree of social conservatism, not to favor change unless that change is beneficial. So I describe myself as an economic liberal and a social conservative. (Liberal Quotes)
No one - not a conservative or liberal or whatever - can stand back and ‘define’ what marriage means. Other people’s marriages have nothing to do with mine; whether my neighbors are divorced or gay or widowed will not lead me to change anything about how my wife and I deal with each other or how we raise our children. (Liberal Quotes)
My memories of Kabul are vastly different than the way it is when I go there now. My memories are of the final years before everything changed. When I grew up in Kabul, it couldn’t be mistaken for Beirut or Tehran, as it was still in a country that’s essentially religious and conservative, but it was suprisingly progressive and liberal. (Liberal Quotes)
Liberal child welfare experts decided that child abuse was not evidence of a moral or character flaw in the abusing parent. Instead, like poverty, crime, and homelessness, child abuse came to be viewed as evidence of a societal failure. (Liberal Quotes)
Google has withdrawn from China, arguing that it is no longer willing to design its search engine to block information that the Chinese government does not wish its citizens to have. In liberal democracies around the world, this decision has generally been greeted with enthusiasm. (Liberal Quotes)
The Liberal Party will not vote - no Liberal member of Parliament will vote - to take away a woman’s right to choose. (Liberal Quotes)
The majesty of the American Jewish experience is in its success marrying its unique Jewish identity with the larger, liberal values of the United States. There is no need anymore to choose between assimilation and separation. We are accepted as equals. (Liberal Quotes)
Our system doesn’t work, and it doesn’t work, ultimately, not because of Sarah Palin, or the christian right, or Glenn Beck. It doesn’t work because the liberal class failed us. The liberal class failed to find the intellectual and moral fortitude to defend liberal values at a time that they were under egregious assault. (Liberal Quotes)