Liberal Quotes

Text Quotes
America’s liberal arts universities have long been safe zones for leftist thinking, protected ivory towers for the pseudo-elite who earn their livings writing papers nobody reads about gender roles in the poetry of Maya Angelou. (Liberal Quotes)
The gaming industry is a fairly liberal, hip place, and if you’re making games people really don’t care what your gender is. At least this has been my experience. (Liberal Quotes)
I wonder if liberal kids call liberal talk shows and ask how to get along in a conservative teacher’s class? No. No. It doesn’t happen, ‘cause there’s no thought of getting along. (Liberal Quotes)
A liberal pretending to be a conservative? That’s like a straight person pretending to be gay to get greater acceptance. (Liberal Quotes)
We entered the global market only in the end- 80s, and that was because imports became more liberal. (Liberal Quotes)
Hollywood was set up by a bunch of businessmen. They do not see their job as being philanthropists. I don’t think it’s a contradiction in terms to attempt to be a good businessman and to also be liberal. (Liberal Quotes)
Philanthropy is an important subject of liberal education because it examines the role of good works in shaping our conceptions of the good society and the good life. (Liberal Quotes)
I started my career as a liberal arts major from Berkeley, wrote about enterprise IT for a few years, then followed my passion for the digital narrative into graduate school as well (also at Berkeley, the Oxford of the West or, perhaps, the Harvard - sorry Stanford!). My first project out of grad school was ‘Wired’ magazine. (Liberal Quotes)
The great paradox of the civil rights revolution is that instead of enforcing and expanding equality before the law, the revolution created differential rights based on race, gender and, any day now, sexual orientation. The great liberal revolution, centuries in the making, that brought forth equality in law has been overthrown. In its place we see rising a new feudal legal order of status-based rights. (Liberal Quotes)
A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money. (Liberal Quotes)
Under Malcolm Fraser’s Liberal governments in the 1970s, large numbers of refugees fleeing Vietnam in wretched boats were taken in without any great fuss. (Liberal Quotes)
I foresee a Liberal vote so massive and the number of Liberal MPs so great that we shall hold the initiative in the new Parliament. (Liberal Quotes)
There’s the great line: the definition of a liberal is someone who’s afraid to take their own side in a fight. And that’s my problem with my fellow liberals. (Liberal Quotes)
Just put down 9/11... I think, on most things I’m liberal, except on defending ourselves and keeping half the money. Those things I’m kind of conservative on. (Liberal Quotes)
At a time when politics deals in distortions and half truths, truth is to be found in the liberal arts. There’s something afoot in this country and you are very much a part of it. (Liberal Quotes)
I think my parents - my parents were very hands-off, quite liberal in terms of their - they really - they did encourage me, but they never really pushed me into anything, really. (Liberal Quotes)
My mom is like this hard-core, liberal feminist. She’s a professor in Boston, and she’s been teaching women’s studies for 30 years and international politics. (Liberal Quotes)
We need to reach out to small ‘l’ liberal voters who have a modern outlook on life, who want a party that is hard-headed on the economy - more credible on the economy than Labour - but more socially progressive and fairer than the Conservatives. (Liberal Quotes)
I still believe I have a lot of liberal thoughts, but I also believe when you work hard, you shouldn’t be penalized and pay more because you work hard. (Liberal Quotes)
In liberal society we claim that freedom of speech is sacred and therefore has an absolute character. But we know (or should know) that free speech inhabits a structured space: not only is hate speech legally forbidden in liberal societies, but there are also laws protecting the circulation of copyrighted material, and the reproduction of trademarks and patents without explicit permission. (Liberal Quotes)
I’m regarded outside New York University as a looney tunes leftie, self-hating Jewish communist; inside the university, I’m regarded as a typical, old-fashioned, white male liberal elitist. I like that. I’m on the edge of both; it makes me feel comfortable. (Liberal Quotes)
It’s much harder to be a liberal than a conservative. Why? Because it is easier to give someone the finger than a helping hand. (Liberal Quotes)