Liberalism is Rationalism in politics

Liberalism is Rationalism in politics
Francis Parker Yockey was an American political thinker and author who is best known for his controversial book "Imperium: The Philosophy of History and Politics." Yockey was a staunch critic of liberalism and believed that it was a form of rationalism in politics. In his view, liberalism was a dangerous ideology that sought to impose a one-size-fits-all approach to governance, ignoring the complexities of human nature and society.Yockey argued that liberalism was based on the belief that reason and logic could solve all of society's problems, leading to a rigid and inflexible system of government that stifled individual freedom and creativity. He believed that liberalism was a form of rationalism because it placed an excessive emphasis on abstract principles and universal truths, rather than taking into account the unique cultural, historical, and social contexts of different societies.
Yockey saw liberalism as a form of political ideology that sought to impose a homogenized and standardized vision of society, in which individual differences and diversity were suppressed in favor of a uniform and conformist worldview. He believed that liberalism was inherently anti-democratic, as it sought to impose a top-down system of governance that limited the ability of individuals to make their own choices and determine their own destinies.
Yockey's critique of liberalism was rooted in his belief that true democracy could only exist in a society that embraced diversity, individuality, and cultural pluralism. He argued that liberalism's emphasis on reason and rationality was a form of intellectual tyranny that stifled the creative and imaginative capacities of individuals, leading to a society that was devoid of vitality and dynamism.