Liberals Quotes

Text Quotes
Liberals get credit for good intentions, and that’s about it, because everything they do fails (Liberals Quotes)
Liberals sit from this lofty perch of pomposity, but they are the champions of ignorance. They don’t know what they’re talking about (Liberals Quotes)
Liberals want the government to get bigger, and they want you to drive smaller cars, and they want to dictate the way you live (Liberals Quotes)
When you don’t behave the way liberals think you should, their effort and their intention to control you compounds (Liberals Quotes)
A bunch of liberals wanted to outlaw men gazing at women because the gaze was said to objectify women. Sorry, liberals, it can’t be helped among the heterosexual crowd (Liberals Quotes)
Most liberals I know do not consider themselves to even be liberals. They just think of you and me as conservatives, and that means, therefore, we’re odd and we’re kooks and maybe extreme and maybe mean (Liberals Quotes)
There is no question that liberals do an impressive job of expressing concern for blacks. But do the intentions expressed in their words match the actual consequences of their deeds? (Liberals Quotes)
Liberals and conservatives are looking for entirely different things. Their attitudes toward romance and how they court are really dramatically different. There’s almost no overlap (Liberals Quotes)
Sometimes I feel like the most liberal person among conservatives, and sometimes like the most conservative among liberals (Liberals Quotes)
I think it is important that people who are perceived as liberals not be afraid of talking about moral and community values (Liberals Quotes)
Liberals are more upset when a tree is chopped down than when a child is aborted (Liberals Quotes)
Liberals can’t just come out and say, they want to take more of our money, kill babies, and discriminate on the basis of race (Liberals Quotes)
This is the way addled liberals really think. Even as they champion sucking the brains out of little babies, they think of themselves as indelibly compassionate because they favor an overweening, behemoth federal government (Liberals Quotes)
Liberals have a preternatural gift for striking a position on the side of treason... Whenever the nation is under attack, from within or without, liberals side with the enemy (Liberals Quotes)
If liberals think they are losing elections because of the conservative bias in the media, they may as well give up right now (Liberals Quotes)
Words mean nothing to liberals. They say whatever will help advance their cause at the moment, switch talking points in a heartbeat, and then act indignant if anyone uses the exact same argument they were using five minutes ago (Liberals Quotes)
There are only two things that the liberals don’t understand: the things that change and the things that don’t (Liberals Quotes)
It’s not that liberals aren’t smart, it’s just that so much of what they know isn’t so (Liberals Quotes)
The general difference between conservatives and liberals is that liberals like pretty pictures and conservatives like to build bridges that people can drive across (Liberals Quotes)
The sequester has forced liberals to clarify their conviction that whatever the government’s size is at any moment, is the bare minimum neccessary to forestall intolerable suffering (Liberals Quotes)
Liberals should not overplay this weapons of mass destruction card, because you want me to tell you the truth? Most of us are not going to care if they don’t find these weapons of mass destruction. It’s enough for a lot of us to see those kids smiling on that street again (Liberals Quotes)
There’s the great line: The definition of a liberal is someone who’s afraid to take their own side in a fight. and that’s my problem with my fellow liberals (Liberals Quotes)
You can bring down governments, you can do a lot of things that are in your own interests even though liberals will get very antsy when you start talking about it (Liberals Quotes)
I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. Not all liberals smoke lettuce! (Liberals Quotes)
Vester: You say you’d rather not talk to liberals at all? Coulter: I think a baseball bat is the most effective way these days (Liberals Quotes)
Since liberals never print retractions, they can say anything. What they said in the past is always deemed inadmissible and unfair to quote (Liberals Quotes)
Liberals have managed to eliminate the idea of manly honor. Instead, all they have is womanly indignation (Liberals Quotes)
Enjoy most: The prospect of having an impact on the public debate. Irritating liberals is a close second (Liberals Quotes)
What a country, and what a culture, when the liberals cry before they are hurt, and the reactionaries pose as brave nonconformists, while the radicals make a fetish of their own jokey irrelevance (Liberals Quotes)
Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views (Liberals Quotes)