Liberties Quotes

Text Quotes
The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them (Liberties Quotes)
I have very real concerns about the civil liberties implications of ultimately requiring every resident to submit themselves for compulsory fingerprinting or some other biometric test (Liberties Quotes)
Americans need to understand the significance of having their civil liberties dismantled. It doesn’t just affect terrorists and foreigners, it affects us all (Liberties Quotes)
The dichotomy between personal liberties and property rights is a false one. Property does not have rights. People have rights (Liberties Quotes)
There are hard choices to be made in balancing the country’s security and an individual’s liberties. But it is a choice that has to be faced (Liberties Quotes)
I have accordingly considered it, and now appear not only in obedience to your order, but likewise in behalf of the inhabitants of this town, who have presented another petition, and out of regard to the liberties of the subject (Liberties Quotes)
One of the functions of government is to act as a safeguard not just of property but of our liberties (Liberties Quotes)
Whenever we take away the liberties of those whom we hate we are opening the way to loss of liberty for those we love (Liberties Quotes)
When the venture has been made of dealing with historical events and characters, it always seems fair towards the reader to avow what liberties have been taken, and how much of the sketch is founded on history (Liberties Quotes)
Show me that age and country where the rights and liberties of the people were placed on the sole chance of their rulers being good men, without a consequent loss of liberty? (Liberties Quotes)
The people’s liberties strengthen the king’s prerogative, and the king’s prerogative is to defend the people’s liberties (Liberties Quotes)
That’s what sailing is, a dance, and your partner is the sea. And with the sea you never take liberties. You ask her, you don’t tell her. You have to remember always that she’s the leader, not you. You and your boat are dancing to her tune (Liberties Quotes)
The siren song of redistribution of wealth by centralized government never ceases for those who seek irreversible and unusurpable control over the lives and liberties of private citizens (Liberties Quotes)
The suppression of civil liberties is too many less a matter for horror than the curtailment of the freedom to profit (Liberties Quotes)
It is easy to make light of insistence on scrupulous regard for the safeguards of civil liberties when invoked on behalf of the unworthy. History bears testimony that by such disregard are the rights of liberty extinguished, heedlessly at first, then stealthily, and brazenly in the end (Liberties Quotes)
It must never be forgotten... that the liberties of the people are not so safe under the gracious manner of government as by the limitation of power (Liberties Quotes)
War has all the characteristics of socialism most conservatives hate: Centralized power, state planning, false rationalism, restricted liberties, foolish optimism about intended results, and blindness to unintended secondary results (Liberties Quotes)
The militia is the natural defense of a free country against sudden foreign invasions, domestic insurrections, and domestic usurpation of power by rulers. The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of the republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally... enable the people to resist and triumph over them (Liberties Quotes)
Let us by wise and constitutional measures promote intelligence among the people as the best means of preserving our liberties (Liberties Quotes)
Democracies have been, and governments called, free; but the spirit of independence and the consciousness of unalienable rights, were never before transfused into the minds of a whole people... The feeling of equality which they proudly cherish does not proceed from an ignorance of their station, but from the knowledge of their rights; and it is this knowledge which will render it so exceedingly difficult for any tyrant ever to triumph over the liberties of our country (Liberties Quotes)
There is so much each one of us can do to make a difference. We are at a dangerous juncture in the history of mankind... We need to defend our principles and values, human rights, civil liberties and the rule of international law. If we don’t our world will further descend into a state of chaos (Liberties Quotes)
The truth is, that, even with the most secure tenure of office, during good behavior, the danger is not, that the judges will be too firm in resisting public opinion, and in defence of private rights or public liberties; but, that they will be ready to yield themselves to the passions, and politics, and prejudices of the day (Liberties Quotes)
If you could have a famous writer, dead or alive, write an obituary for you and really puff you up to have been something you weren’t, perhaps, or otherwise take liberties with your memory, what writer would you choose? (Liberties Quotes)
If the charter of your liberties entails death and despair for untold multitudes, then it is nothing but a license for slaughter (Liberties Quotes)
The existing liberties and the existing gratifications are tied to the requirements of repression: they themselves become instruments of repression (Liberties Quotes)
Critics of the global warming agenda are motivated... by a love of freedom and civil liberties. They want a discussion based on logic and facts that will address any problems without depriving us of liberty and personal choice. They do not want to sacrifice our way of life based on fears of an unproven theory. After all, the loss of liberty is a greater cause of alarm than global warming (Liberties Quotes)
Men make the moral code and they expect women to accept it. They have decided that it is entirely right and proper for men to fight for their liberties and their rights, but that it is not right and proper for women to fight for theirs (Liberties Quotes)
One ought not to be unkind to a woman merely on account of her plainness, any more than one had a right to take liberties with her merely because she was handsome (Liberties Quotes)
The corporations that profit from permanent war need us to be afraid. Fear stops us from objecting to government spending on a bloated military. Fear means we will not ask unpleasant questions of those in power. Fear permits the government to operate in secret. Fear means we are willing to give up our rights and liberties for promises of security. The imposition of fear ensures that the corporations that wrecked the country cannot be challenged. Fear keeps us penned in like livestock (Liberties Quotes)
It would indeed be ironic if, in the name of national defence, we would sanction the subversion of one of those liberties which make the defence of our nation worthwhile (Liberties Quotes)