Library Quotes

Text Quotes
Books were not looked upon as things unobtainable due to economic circumstances or class status. My grandfather stole an entire set of Dicken’s from the local library. (Library Quotes)
In seventh grade, with some vague sense that I wanted to be a writer, I crouched in the junior high school library stacks to see where my novels would eventually be filed. It was right after someone named Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. So I grabbed a Vonnegut book, ‘Breakfast of Champions’ and immediately fell in love. (Library Quotes)
My mum was a children’s librarian, so I spent a lot of time in the library. My reading life, because of my mum’s work, was evenly split between American, Canadian, Australian and British authors. (Library Quotes)
Too much research can be the writer’s enemy. You can spend days on end in the British Library or prowling the streets with a Dictaphone, and it’s easy to convince yourself that you’re working hard. Often, it can be an excuse not to work; a classic displacement activity. (Library Quotes)
I have encountered those who feel that libraries have served their purpose and are no longer needed. There are those who consider them a soft target when it comes to local authority budget cuts. In certain political quarters, there is a refusal to see that our public library service needs active protection. (Library Quotes)
On a very personal level, I have fond memories of spending a lot of time in the Library of Congress working on my collection of poems ‘Native Guard.’ I was there over a summer doing research in the archives and then writing in the reading room at the Jefferson building. (Library Quotes)
Indiana Jones: Archaeology is the search for fact... not truth. If it’s truth you’re looking for, Dr. Tyree’s philosophy class is right down the hall. ... So forget any ideas you’ve got about lost cities, exotic travel, and digging up the world. We do not follow maps to buried treasure, and X never, ever marks the spot. Seventy percent of all archaeology is done in the library. Research. Reading. (Library Quotes)
Libraries function as crucial technology hubs, not merely for free Web access, but those who need computer training and assistance. Library business centers help support entrepreneurship and retraining. (Library Quotes)
I love getting out the house because writing is such a solitary business that even being at the library makes me feel part of the world. (Library Quotes)
She asked her parents to buy him the books she’d been read by her first teachers, Peter Rabbit and Frog and ToadWhat’s the point of buying books for someone who can’t read? her parents asked, legitimately enough, and so she checked them out of her school library and read them to Rahul herself. (Library Quotes)
A library of mostly unread books is far more inspiring than a library of books already read. There’s nothing more exciting than finishing a book, and walking over to your shelves to figure out what you’re going to read next.[The Wonderful and Terrible Habit of Buying Too Many Books, PWxyz (news blog of Publishers Weekly), February 16th, 2012] (Library Quotes)
My father had a big brick cell phone, before anyone had a cell phone, because he was really just into that kind of thing - communication devices. I grew up between my father’s laboratory and my mother’s library. (Library Quotes)
I was that weird kid that checked out all of the non-fiction paranormal studies books from the library. I’ve always been fascinated by the supernatural, particularly movies and TV shows that manage to blend humor with the horror - ‘Supernatural’, ‘Buffy’, ‘Angel.’ (Library Quotes)
She liked to sit on the front porch in the afternoons and read books she’d checked out from the library. Aside from coffee, reading was her only indulgence. (Library Quotes)
It’s funny, we started writing chick-lit when it was just becoming a crowded marketplace, and now the same thing is happening with YA. It really used to just be one shelf at the library - Nancy Drew and Judy Blume. (Library Quotes)
Closing a public library is child abuse, really, because it hinders child development (Library Quotes)
I got hit by the bug of reading - not via a person, but via the one-room library in our small town. I remember that the children’s books were in the right-hand corner near the floor. Often when I went there, I was the only visitor. (Library Quotes)
I fell in love with reading when I was allowed to choose whatever books I wanted to check out of the library. I was around nine years old when I began choosing my own books in earnest. (Library Quotes)
I got these big coffee table books about Chinese opera from the local library, and I loved looking through them. I loved studying the intricate costumes and figuring out how to ‘cartoonify’ them. (Library Quotes)
When I graduated from high school I couldn’t go to college, so I went to the library 3 days a week for 10 years. (Library Quotes)
I couldn’t go to college, so I went to the library three days a week for 10 years (Library Quotes)
For some 25 years, I worked as a librarian, first at the New York Public Library, then at Trenton State College in New Jersey. My life has always been with, around, and for books. (Library Quotes)
The year after I graduated college I had a job in a library. When people underlined passages in the library books, or made notes in the margins, the books were sent to me. I erased the lines and the notes. Yes, that was my job. (Library Quotes)
Anna Karenina.’ I read it in college. I was so engrossed that I couldn’t stop reading it and neglected all my other studies. I would go to the library even on nice warm weekends and just lock myself up. I think that was the first time that I felt transformed by a book. (Library Quotes)
I had no inclination to perform as a kid. I was a shy child - I always had my nose in a library book. I didn’t start acting until I went to college. Once I started, it seemed to fit like a glove. I felt completely at home on stage. It was the perfect way for me to express myself, even better than writing. (Library Quotes)
The Occupy movement did create spontaneously communities that taught people something: you can be in a supportive community of mutual aid and cooperation and develop your own health system and library and have open space for democratic discussion and participation. Communities like that are really important. (Library Quotes)
A library is a place that is a repository of information and gives every citizen equal access to it. That includes health information. And mental health information. It’s a community space. It’s a place of safety, a haven from the world. (Library Quotes)
I’d be happy if I could think that the role of the library was sustained and even enhanced in the age of the computer. (Library Quotes)
The library, with its Daedalian labyrinth, mysterious hush, and faintly ominous aroma of knowledge, has been replaced by the computer’s cheap glow, pesky chirp, and data spillage. (Library Quotes)
I became a librarian at the Sainte-Genevieve Library in Paris. I made this gesture to rid myself of a certain milieu, a certain attitude, to have a clean conscience, but also to make a living. I was twenty-five. I had been told that one must make a living, and I believed it. (Library Quotes)