Library Quotes

Text Quotes
At this time on a weekday morning, the library was refuge to the retired, the unemployed, and the unemployable. ... ‘I’m not always this gabby,’ the librarian said. ‘It’s just so nice to talk to someone who isn’t constructing a conspiracy theory or watching videos of home accidents on YouTube. (Library Quotes)
An elegantly crafted novel, The Reluctant First Lady clearly documents author Venita Ellick as an exceptionally accomplished writer able to skillfully weave memorable characters into a riveting story line from beginning to end. As engaging as it is entertaining, The Reluctant First Lady is highly recommended for both personal reading lists and community library contemporary fiction collections. (Library Quotes)
I couldn’t live a week without a private library - indeed, I’d part with all my furniture and squat and sleep on the floor before I’d let go of the 1500 or so books I possess. (Library Quotes)
Youku Tudou is a hybrid, like combining Netflix and YouTube. Like Netflix, with Youku, which launched in 2005, we syndicate a library of longform content and create original content. The Tudou model started with user-generated content but is increasingly becoming about partner-generated programming. (Library Quotes)
As a child, a library card takes you to exotic, faraway places. When you’re grown up, a credit card does it. (Library Quotes)
I usually get up not before 9. I have a huge library - I’m a big fan of Scandinavian crime fiction - so I’ll usually take a book and go off to one of my favorite bistros for a cappuccino or espresso or maybe I’ll have some lovely smoked salmon for breakfast. (Library Quotes)
In the past, a great library was the result of librarians functioning as guardians of culture, tending and caring, selecting and recommending works that maintained and nurtured a cultural heritage. (Library Quotes)
Mom and Dad were bibliophiles. Dad shared his father’s love of westerns, Mom favored the likes of Zelazny and Heinlein, Howard and Burroughs. We owned several hundred books stored in trunks that comprised our portable library. (Library Quotes)
A library is that venerable place where men preserve the history of their experience, their tentative experiments, their discoveries, and their plans... in books may be found the recipes for daily living - the prescriptions for the mind and the heart. (Library Quotes)
Librarians are wonderful people, partly because they are, on the whole, unaware of how dangerous knowledge is. Karl Marx upended the political landscape of the twentieth century sitting at a library table. Still, modern librarians are more afraid of ingnorance than they are of the potential devastation that knowledge can bring. (p. 192) (Library Quotes)
The web can be a fast trip to the library, giving you immediate access to a government report, or it can filter media for you, which is why I look at around 15- 20 of these sites every day. (Library Quotes)
Heaven would be a comfortable chair, a library, Diet Coke, and an occasional cheese pizza. Sex once in a while. No talking. ~ Drew Stirling (Library Quotes)
Information is nutrition, knowledge is nutrition, art is nutrition and they set us free. Internet is a great library, great library is a freedom within wisdom in this digital age (Library Quotes)
People of all demographic categories and geographic regions will access a good digital library (Library Quotes)
Wouldn’t it be great if you could put all the published works online? The Internet Archive is trying to become useful as a modern-day digital library. (Library Quotes)
Usage tends to be global, while funding tends tobe local. When we allow it to happen, usage of a digital library is remarkably diverse and widespread. (Library Quotes)
The idea of a national digital library has been in the air for a long time, and there was a danger that some people would feel that it’s their property, so to speak. (Library Quotes)
I want all my stuff to be converted into digital format so I can have my reference library to carry with me wherever I go. (Library Quotes)
If we can put a man on the moon and sequence the human genome, we should be able to devise something close to a universal digital public library. (Library Quotes)
Doctor Who: You want weapons? We’re in a library. Books are the best weapon in the world. This room’s the greatest arsenal we could have. Arm yourself!(from Tooth and Claw in Season 2) (Library Quotes)
I really enjoy going to a library and spending the day doing research - to me that is the most pleasurable part of writing the science book. (Library Quotes)
I’ve never liked the idea of just having an office in a college somewhere and teaching classes and going to the library and doing research all day. I’ve never wanted that. The glamorous life is the life that appeals to me. (Library Quotes)
My interior is very, very dense - Proustian-looking, sort of Henry James. The walls are covered in pictures, and I transformed the big drawing room into a library lined with books. (Library Quotes)
What a school thinks about its library is a measure of what it feels about education (Library Quotes)
The combined entity Youku Tudou Inc. represents a dominant leader in online video sector in China with the largest user base, most comprehensive content library, most advanced bandwidth infrastructure, and most effective monetization capability. (Library Quotes)
We had library books in our house, but not our own. So you had 14 days to read them. There would be eight books a fortnight in our house and I’d read as many of those as I could. (Library Quotes)
As I stood outside in Cow Lane, it occurred to me that Heaven must be a place where the library is open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. No ... eight days a week. (Library Quotes)
I believe that when an elder dies, a library is burned: vast sums of wisdom and knowledge are lost. Throughout the world libraries are ablaze with scant attention. (Library Quotes)
I like shelves full of books in a library, but if all books become electronic, the task of big research libraries remains the same - keep what’s published in the form in which it appeared. (Library Quotes)
I grew up listening to my father argue politics into the night and taking trips every Saturday to the Hood River library where my mother maintained her interest in reading and encouraged the same from her sons. (Library Quotes)