Lie Quotes

Text Quotes
No, that part's not true! That's a joke - lie. I'm not going to lie to you in this story because I want you to know that the rest of it is true (Lie Quotes)
I have a strong urge to lie down and pretend this is not happening - like the old couple in Titanic (Lie Quotes)
Then marry me. For I love you, and I do not believe there is anything so wrong with you. You are fair in my eyes and you lie fair on my heart (Lie Quotes)
May she play the drums to the fiery rhythm of her own heart with the sinewy strength of her own arms, so she need not lie with drummers (Lie Quotes)
Our future cannot depend on the government alone. The ultimate solutions lie in the attitudes and the actions of the American people (Lie Quotes)
There wasn't any more truth in over half of what any so - called orator said. If it wasn't a deliberate lie, why it was an exaggerated falsehood (Lie Quotes)
Between stimulus, or what happens to us or has ever happened to us, and our response, lies our power and freedom to choose. In those choices lie our growth and happiness (Lie Quotes)
It just means that your talents lie elsewhere, so take the opportunity to seek out what you are good at, and find a place where you can flourish. Once you do, you're going to kill it (Lie Quotes)
My wife can sniff out a lie from six thousand miles away. And I'm the world's worst liar, anyway (Lie Quotes)
People lie for lots of reasons, often because it seems like a way to get what they want with less effort (Lie Quotes)
Proof is boring. Proof is tiresome. Proof is an irrelevance. People would far rather be handed an easy lie than search for a difficult truth, especially if it suits their own purposes (Lie Quotes)
People would far rather be handed an easy lie than search for a difficult truth, especially if it suits their own purposes (Lie Quotes)
Omission is a sin only if, in the process of deceiving, you forget the truth. Lying is a sin only if, in the process, the lie becomes the only truth (Lie Quotes)
A lie is an affront to the soul, as well as an insult to the intelligence of the person to whom one lies (Lie Quotes)
This is all lie, she want to say to them. The dead are not hovering nearby to knock politely at teacups and tabletops and whisper through billowing curtains (Lie Quotes)
Often, men who would never think of lying in the workplace lie constantly in intimate relationships. This seems to be especially the case for heterosexual men who see women as gullible (Lie Quotes)
Lying has become so much the accepted norm that people lie even when it would be simpler to tell the truth (Lie Quotes)
By Hercules! I have often heard that your piping - hot lie is the best of lies: what the gods dictate, that is right (Lie Quotes)
When perjury, that heaven defying vice, sells oaths by tale, and at the lowest price, stamps God's own name upon a lie just made, to turn a penny in the way of trade (Lie Quotes)
I am murdering me, where I kneeled at your kiss. I am pushing knives through the hands that created two into one. Our hands do not bleed at this, they lie still in their dishonor (Lie Quotes)
It has been said that nothing dispels a lie faster than the truth; nothing exposes the counterfeit faster than the genuine (Lie Quotes)
If you believe that their real intention is to kill you, it isn't unreasonable to believe that they would lie to you (Lie Quotes)
Sometimes I lie awake at night and ask why me? Then a voice answers nothing personal, your name just happened to come up (Lie Quotes)
Sometimes you lie in bed at night, and you don't have a single thing to worry about... That always worries me! (Lie Quotes)
I read Parker's Spenser series in college. When it comes to detective novels, 90 percent of us admit he's an influence, and the rest of us lie about it (Lie Quotes)
Like the layers of an onion, under the first lie is another, and under that another, and they all make you cry (Lie Quotes)
The very spring and root of honesty and virtue lie in the felicity of lighting on good education (Lie Quotes)
We all know that art is not truth. Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth, at least the truth that is given to us to understand (Lie Quotes)
Here's something you must know and don't forget it - animals never lie. They don't like, they don't put on disguises, and they are always true to what they are. That's why you can trust them (Lie Quotes)
Those in possession of absolute power can not only prophesy and make their prophecies come true, but they can also lie and make their lies come true (Lie Quotes)