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Lie Quotes

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I have no wish for a second husband. I had enough of the first. I like to have my own way to lie down mistress, and get up master  (Lie Quotes) As of today, we do not need expert reports by the authoritative analytical institutions to realise that the reasons for such a situation in our community lie in global inequality, poverty and illiteracy  (Lie Quotes) I can’t lie, I did a lot of really, really stupid things, and it was because it was my way of crying for help  (Lie Quotes) Knowing what I know of love, I hang back because I don’t like to lie to myself  (Lie Quotes) The truth is often a terrible weapon of aggression. It is possible to lie, and even to murder, with the truth  (Lie Quotes) It is a peculiar part of the good photographer’s adventure to know where luck is most likely to lie in the stream, to hook it, and to bring it in without unfair play and without too much subduing it  (Lie Quotes) Usually, about 85 percent of what the tabloids report is a lie. Over the last year, I can truly say it has been 99 percent  (Lie Quotes) A myth is the name of a terrible lie told by a smelly little brown person to a man in a white suit with a pair of binoculars  (Lie Quotes) The biggest challenge for everybody to realize out there is that we’re in a very complicated business world and that were all under one umbrella and it’s very challenging for everybody to figure out where the priorities lie and where the loyalties lie  (Lie Quotes) The addict will screw you over and lie to you and do all kinds of things  (Lie Quotes) Even as fog continues to lie in the valleys, so does ancient sin cling to the low places, the depressions in the world consciousness  (Lie Quotes) They always say that jazz doesn’t sell, but it’s a lie, because it does sell, and it sells consistently year in and year out  (Lie Quotes) So I think what you see in this show is it’s really not a just world at all, but you get what you give. So in terms of world view, I would say that’s where the differences lie  (Lie Quotes) I can’t say why people lie; they just do. Everyone has their own reasons for not telling the truth  (Lie Quotes) We have to lie to ourselves as decathletes and say that we like all ten events  (Lie Quotes) A great lie is like a great fish on dry land; it may fret and fling and make a frightful bother, but it cannot hurt you. You have only to keep still, and it will die of itself  (Lie Quotes) I’ve got to take a break, to be honest. I’m not even going to lie  (Lie Quotes) I lie around and play guitar, that’s something I do for sure. In fact that’s all I do, I think  (Lie Quotes) Similarly, only people as misanthropic as myself can be counted on not to have to lie to others, since we have the unique luxury of not caring what sort of opinions others formulate about us  (Lie Quotes) Even if a minefield or the abyss should lie before me, I will march straight ahead without looking back  (Lie Quotes) After filming I like to go home and lie down with my daughter and have a glass of wine so I don’t really socialize with the other actors  (Lie Quotes) Ah, well, the truth is always one thing, but in a way it’s the other thing, the gossip, that counts. It shows where people’s hearts lie  (Lie Quotes) A friend of mine has a house with a basketball court and a pool. The guys go over and play basketball; I lie by the pool and nap in the sun. That defines me. That’s consistent with who I am. I don’t pretend to play basketball because I wanna feel like one of the guys. I wanna lie in the sun and relax  (Lie Quotes) I could lie and pretend that I hunt and camp, but that wouldn’t be me. Clothes? Shopping? That’s stuff I like!  (Lie Quotes) I pefer an ugly truth to a pretty lie. If someone is telling me the truth that is when I will give my heart  (Lie Quotes) A lie should be tried in a place where it will attract the attention of the world  (Lie Quotes) It’s up to us, the people, to break immoral laws, and resist. As soon as the leaders of a country lie to you, they have no authority over you. These maniacs have no authority over us. And they might be able to put our bodies in prison, but they can’t put our spirits in prison  (Lie Quotes) Brazil has rediscovered itself, and this rediscovery is being expressed in its people’s enthusiasm and their desire to mobilize to face the huge problems that lie ahead of us  (Lie Quotes) I’m trying to enjoy my lie as much as I can and I know that tennis hopefully is going to be my life the next 10, 15 years  (Lie Quotes) It is all right for the lion and the lamb to lie down together if they are both asleep, but if one of them begins to get active, it is dangerous  (Lie Quotes)
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