Lied Quotes

Text Quotes
The worst thing about being lied to is knowing you weren’t worth the truth (Lied Quotes)
I can tell if I’m being lied to or manipulated a little better than most. It’s definitely an advantage for me. (Lied Quotes)
For people who say they hate being lied to, just start telling them nothing but the pure truth--about everything. That will teach them (Lied Quotes)
One of the reasons why I think people have gone from reading mainstream newspapers to the Internet is because they realize they’re being lied to. (Lied Quotes)
I’ve always operated under the notion that audiences don’t always know when they’re being lied to, but that they always know when they’re being told the truth. (Lied Quotes)
People do not like being lied to, and they do not like having their rights violated. So as soon as [officials] stop making arguments, you see support for me starts to rise. (Lied Quotes)
Donald Trump lied about criticizing Mark Zuckerberg.Ben Carson lied about Mannatech.Carli Fiorina lied about the size of the tax code.Marco Rubio flatly refused to answer a question (discredited attacks from Democrats) that I guess he didn’t think he could just lie about. This is quite a debate. (Lied Quotes)
You don’t like to be lied to, by your friends or in your business dealings. So why would you want to be lied to when it comes to the origin of life or the fate of the planet? (Lied Quotes)
Jury - A group of 12 people, who, having lied to the judge about their health, hearing, and business engagements, have failed to fool him. (Lied Quotes)
There’s a lot of anger on our side. We’ve been lied about, we have been lied to, we’ve been mischaracterized, Hillary calling people deplorables and this kind of thing. (Lied Quotes)
Cancer patients are lied to, not just because the disease is (or is thought to be) a death sentence, but because it is felt to be obscene - in the original meaning of that word: ill-omened, abominable, repugnant to the senses. (Lied Quotes)
If one lied, or put you down, don’t mourn don’t grieve, for why do you care, you don’t want to be friends with the mean. (Lied Quotes)
If I have any complaints about my youth... one is that many well-meaning adults lied to me. Not spiteful lies with malicious intent but lies designed to prevent emotional and psychological pain - lies told by the people who cared about me most: my parents, teachers, relatives. (Lied Quotes)
I broke her heart and misused her trust. I lied and cheated on her. But still she loves me like the old days and patiently waiting for the day that I may feel and understand her true feelings. (Lied Quotes)
WikiLeaks exposed corruption, war crimes, torture and cover-ups. It showed that we were lied to about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; that the U.S. military had deliberately hidden information about systematic torture and civilian casualties, which were much higher than reported. (Lied Quotes)
I wonder how Colin Powell sleeps at night. I would like to have a word with him because he lied. He lied. He lied to me. He lied to my face through the camera at the U.N. (Lied Quotes)
The fact of the Watergate cover-up is not nearly as interesting as the step into making the cover-up. And when you understand the step, you understand that Richard Nixon lied. That he was a criminal. (Lied Quotes)
I don’t think I’m against all wars, but you’d have to have a damn good reason to send your son or daughter to fight, or to go yourself. So often, we are lied to and manipulated by our governments for their own very cynical reasons. (Lied Quotes)
Maybe, if I had lied all those years ago, my life could have followed a very different path. But as it is I faithfully follow the long, long thread the Fates have woven for me. (Lied Quotes)
I was brought up with lies all the time... that’s how you got along... I have lied my entire life... (Lied Quotes)
Through language, we can tell the truth and hear the truth spoken, just as we can be deceived. Sometimes it’s a painful realization: we can be lied to. As I write, I think of myself as putting my eye under oath, so that what I write is the truth about my characters. (Lied Quotes)
He lied all the time even when there was no need to lie [...] He needed a _history_, a sense of self. [Burnside on his father, p. 22] (Lied Quotes)
There is not a single line in this diary that does not call for a correction or a denial...Yes: throughout these pages I meant what I was writing and I meant the opposite; reading them again I feel completely lost...I was lying to myself. How I lied to myself! (Lied Quotes)
I think I regard any history in quotes, because just like science, we’re constantly revising science, we’re constantly revising history. There’s no question that various victors throughout history have flat out lied about certain events or written themselves into things, and then you come along and you find out that this disproves that. (Lied Quotes)
A good memory is needed once we have lied. [Fr., Il faut bonne memoire apres qu’on a menti.] (Lied Quotes)
In America, we don’t have a growing economy. We don’t have jobs being created at a replacement level for those we had lost. We don’t have anything Obama said. He lied about the cost of premiums coming down. (Lied Quotes)
Recall that Hillary Clinton was all for toppling [Moammar] Gadhafi then didn’t listen to her own people on the ground. And then of course, when she lied about the terrorist attack in Benghazi, she invited more terrorist attacks. (Lied Quotes)
I know Vladimir Putin. He respects strength. He lied to our president’s [Barack Obama] face; didn’t both to tell him about warplanes and troops going into Syria. We need to speak to him from a position of strength. (Lied Quotes)
Anne Marie Smith flew to Washington to tell prosecutors about Gary Condit’s attempt to get her to deny their affair. It looks bad. If it’s found he lied about the intern and the mistresses, he could get 4-8 years in the White House. (Lied Quotes)
In other words Luke’s story is historically impossible and internally inconsistent. He lied to fudge the fulfillment of Micah’s prophesy and to provide a villain to play off Jesus in his fictitious drama. Matter flows from place to place and momentarily comes together to be you. Some people find that thought disturbing. I find the reality thrilling. (Lied Quotes)