Life comes after you have been filled with the Holy Ghost, get down and pray for power

Life comes after you have been filled with the Holy Ghost, get down and pray for power
Smith Wigglesworth was a prominent figure in the Pentecostal movement of the early 20th century. Known for his powerful preaching and miraculous healing ministry, Wigglesworth believed in the importance of being filled with the Holy Ghost in order to live a victorious Christian life.Wigglesworth often emphasized the need for believers to seek the baptism of the Holy Spirit as a source of power and boldness in their Christian walk. He believed that the Holy Spirit was the key to living a life of victory over sin and spiritual warfare. Wigglesworth himself was known for his boldness and confidence in the power of the Holy Spirit, and he encouraged others to seek the same level of empowerment through prayer and seeking God's presence.
In one of his famous quotes, Wigglesworth said, "Life comes after you have been filled with the Holy Ghost, get down and pray for power." This statement reflects his belief that the Holy Spirit is the source of true life and power for the believer. Wigglesworth understood that without the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit, Christians would struggle to live out their faith and fulfill the calling that God had placed on their lives.
For Wigglesworth, prayer was a key component in seeking the power of the Holy Spirit. He believed that through fervent prayer and seeking God's face, believers could experience a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit and be equipped to walk in victory and boldness. Wigglesworth himself was known for his dedicated prayer life, often spending hours in prayer seeking God's presence and power.