Life is a gift, given in trust - like a child

Life Is A QuotesChild Like QuotesTrusting In Life QuotesLife Is A Gift QuotesLife Is QuotesAnne Morrow Lindbergh Quotes
Life is a gift, given in trust - like a child
Anne Morrow Lindbergh, an American author and aviator, once said, “Life is a gift, given in trust - like a child.” This profound statement encapsulates the essence of her beliefs and philosophy towards life. Lindbergh, who faced numerous challenges and tragedies in her own life, understood the preciousness and fragility of life, and the responsibility that comes with it.As the wife of famous aviator Charles Lindbergh, Anne Morrow Lindbergh experienced both the highs and lows of life. She faced the tragic kidnapping and murder of her firstborn child, which left a deep scar on her heart. Despite this unimaginable loss, Lindbergh continued to find beauty and meaning in life. She believed that life is a precious gift, entrusted to us like a child, and it is our responsibility to cherish and nurture it.
Like a child, life is fragile and vulnerable. It requires love, care, and attention to thrive. Lindbergh understood the importance of treating life with reverence and respect, just as one would care for a child. She believed that we are stewards of our own lives, entrusted with the task of making the most of the time we have been given.
Lindbergh’s words remind us that life is a gift that should not be taken for granted. Each day is a precious opportunity to learn, grow, and make a positive impact on the world. Just as a child relies on its parents for guidance and support, we must also take responsibility for our own lives and make the most of the time we have been given.