Life Is Quotes

Text Quotes
Death, so called, is a thing which makes men weep, And yet a third of life is passed in sleep (Life Is Quotes)
Death, remembered, should be like a mirror, who tells us life is but a breath; to trust it, error (Life Is Quotes)
Destroying someone else's life isn't the best revenge. Living your own to the fullest is (Life Is Quotes)
Purity of personal life is the one indispensable condition for building up a sound education (Life Is Quotes)
One of the secrets of life is that all that is really worth the doing is what we do for others (Life Is Quotes)
Every mistake, breakup, and setback in life is an opportunity to do it better next time (Life Is Quotes)
As a general rule, the most successful man in life is the man who has the best information (Life Is Quotes)
This life is a hospital in which every patient is possessed with a desire to change his bed (Life Is Quotes)
Slow down and enjoy yourself a little more, don't be so serious. Life is not a race (Life Is Quotes)
Woman's first duty in life is to her dressmaker. What the second duty is no one has yet discovered (Life Is Quotes)
Ah! Somehow life is bigger after all than any painted angel could we see the God that is within us! (Life Is Quotes)
Without health life is not life; it is only a state of langour and suffering - an image of death (Life Is Quotes)
Short as life is, we make it still shorter by the careless waste of time (Life Is Quotes)
Life is painful, nasty and short... In my case it has only been painful and nasty (Life Is Quotes)
Life is not to be told, call it as loud as you like, it will not tell itself (Life Is Quotes)
I've come to realize that life is not a musical comedy, it's a Greek tragedy (Life Is Quotes)
Sometimes, he said, I think life is just one long series of blown opportunities (Life Is Quotes)
The notion that human life is sacred just because it is human life is medieval (Life Is Quotes)
Man, being reasonable, must get drunk; the best of life is but intoxication (Life Is Quotes)
The great art of life is sensation, to feel that we exist, even in pain (Life Is Quotes)
Life is a great sunrise. I do not see why death should not be an even greater one (Life Is Quotes)
Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of (Life Is Quotes)
Be patient and understanding. Life is too short to be vengeful or malicious (Life Is Quotes)
The momentous thing in human life is the art of winning the soul to good or evil (Life Is Quotes)
A joyful life is an individual creation that cannot be copied from a recipe (Life Is Quotes)
My life is full of ups and downs. I'm usually up to no good and down for anything (Life Is Quotes)
Man's real life is happy, chiefly because he is ever expecting that it soon will be so (Life Is Quotes)
The art of life is to know how to enjoy a little and to endure very much (Life Is Quotes)
Life is full of misery, loneliness, and suffering - and it's all over much too soon (Life Is Quotes)
Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome (Life Is Quotes)