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I just wanna live the moment and just take every moment and embrace it because life is short  (Life Is Quotes) Advice? I don’t offer advice. Not my business. Your life is what you make it  (Life Is Quotes) From the stars we come, to the stars we go. Life is but a journey into the unknown  (Life Is Quotes) My life is a blessing every day that I get up. God saved my feet. How am I not going to use them?  (Life Is Quotes) Life isn’t about living without problems. Life is about solving problems  (Life Is Quotes) I try not to be too hard on myself. My husband reminds me that life is a marathon, not a sprint  (Life Is Quotes) Enjoying life isn’t about finding the answers, but living the questions  (Life Is Quotes) Life is like a rose, peeping through the hardships of life to bloom with color  (Life Is Quotes) I believe that the measure of a person’s life is the affect they have on others  (Life Is Quotes) Life is rapid, art is slow, occasion coy, practice fallacious, and judgment partial  (Life Is Quotes) I often feel that life is about to begin, only to realize it is almost over  (Life Is Quotes) Life is short and truth works far and lives long: let us speak the truth  (Life Is Quotes) Life is not so much defined by the external situation as it is by the internal one  (Life Is Quotes) Life isn’t what you want it to be, it’s what you make it become  (Life Is Quotes) Smile and maybe tomorrow you’ll see that life is still worth while if you just smile  (Life Is Quotes) The goal in life is not to attain some imaginary ideal; it is to find and fully use our own gifts  (Life Is Quotes) Everything that occurs in your life is an opportunity for awakening. There are no exceptions!  (Life Is Quotes) In my opinion, the best way of showing someone the best way to live life is by living it  (Life Is Quotes) Life is simply experience; for reasons not readily discerned, we attempt to go on  (Life Is Quotes) Life is a dream even in its most painful moments, it’s a dream that we can dance to  (Life Is Quotes) Making money is easy. It is. The difficult thing in life is not making it, it’s keeping it  (Life Is Quotes) Life is too short to surround yourself with people who aren’t looking out for you  (Life Is Quotes) Life is like an elevator. Up and down, just make sure you get off on the right floor  (Life Is Quotes) The biggest pitfall as you make your way through your life is impatience  (Life Is Quotes) Although some people think that life is a battle, it is actually a game of giving and receiving  (Life Is Quotes) Some days, it seems to me like the purpose of life is to convert energy into beauty  (Life Is Quotes) Life is like a box of chocolates. It doesn’t last as long for fat people  (Life Is Quotes) Seeing, looking at what others cannot bear to see is what my life is all about  (Life Is Quotes) I just recently became aware of how tenuous my life is. I don’t have time for fear  (Life Is Quotes) Life is about enjoying your success!! Success is nothing but weaknesses turned inside out  (Life Is Quotes)
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